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Halloween in Transylvania (Northbound)

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 16
7 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 1.335,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Siebenbürgen ruft Bilder von Spukschlössern, gotischen Kirchen und Vampiren hervor. Wo könnte man die Zeit um Halloween besser verbringen als in der Stadt Sighisoara aus dem 12. Jahrhundert, dem Geburtsort von Graf Dracula? Jetzt wird es mittelschwer böse
  • Holt eure gruseligsten Kostüme für eine schaurige Halloween-Party in Cluj Napoca, der ehemaligen Hauptstadt des historischen Fürstentums Siebenbürgen, hervor
  • Schütze dich vor Teufeln und Dämonen mit einem Besuch in den Turdaer Salzminen, einem faszinierenden Museum, das die Geschichte des Salzes in der Region zeigt, und einem unterirdischen Vergnügungspark
  • Tauche ein in die kommunistische Vergangenheit und die blühende, künstlerische Gegenwart von Bukarest, einer Stadt, die von Reisenden oft unterschätzt wird. Die großartige Architektur des Parlamentspalastes aus den 1980er Jahren ist besonders beeindruckend.
  • Bei einem Zwischenstopp im traditionellen sächsischen Dorf Viscri lernst du die rumänische Gastfreundschaft und hausgemachte Speisen kennen


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.335,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Bună Ziua! Welcome to Bucharest. Often called the 'Little Paris of the Balkans', Romania's capital is known for its Belle Epoch architecture, thumping nightlife and communist sites. After the welcome meeting this evening, you might like to get a head start and explore the city by night, or perhaps head out for a group dinner to get a first sample of Romania's unique cuisine.
  2. Tag 2

    Bucharest / Brasov

    This morning meet your local guide for a private tour of Bucharest. After taking in the recently restored old town of Bucharest, visit some of the more significant sites of the revolution of 1989, which culminated in the ousting and execution of communist leader Ceausescu, and the end of Romania's 42-year communist rule. Bucharest likes big things – the tour will also stop by the huge Piata Unirii, one of Europe's largest squares, and continue on to the ‘Ceausima’, Bucharest's 12-storey Palace of Parliament. The palace is the second largest building in the world (after the Pentagon). The former dictator ordered the construction of this monster, a building of staggering scale and opulence that includes 1,100 rooms and 4,500 chandeliers. In the afternoon, travel by train to the 13th-century Saxon city of Brasov. Also known by its German name of Kronstadt, this town flanked by mountains and city walls was once a major medieval trading centre.
  3. Tag 3

    Bran Castle / Brasov

    No trip to Romania would be complete without a visit to the famous Bran Castle. The castle was built by the Saxons in 1382 to defend the Bran pass against the invading Turks. With its fairy-tale turrets and whitewashed walls, it's far from menacing and spooky, but is undeniably impressive, perched on a high cliff top and surrounded by pine trees. Afterwards, return to Brasov and enjoy a guided walk around town, checking out the ornate churches, townhouses, old city walls, and squares surrounded by gingerbread-roofed merchants' houses. Visit Brasov's main attraction, the gothic Black Church (Biserica Neagra), which took its name from its blackened appearance after a fire in 1689.
  4. Tag 4

    Viscri / Sighisoara

    In the morning, travel by private transport to Viscri, less than 2 hours away (but it’ll feel like you’re entering another world). The small Transylvanian village of Viscri was originally inhabited by Saxons from the Luxembourg area, and the whole scene is picture-postcard rural. This idyllic village of red tiled roofs is a World Heritage site, virtually unchanged for 900 years. You’ll visit the town's fortified church (thought to be the oldest in Transylvania) and learn about the Sock Project, which supports the local Roma community. After a home cooked lunch at the house of a local family continue to the 12th century town of Sighisoara (approximately 1 hour). After a quick orientation walk you have all afternoon to explore the city.
  5. Tag 5

    Sighisoara / Cluj Napoca

    Medieval Sighisoara is likely to seduce visitors more than any other place in Romania. The town is famed as the birthplace of Vlad Dracul III, better known as Vlad the Impaler, the ruler of Walachia province from 1456 to 1462 and whose name was the inspiration for Bram Stoker’s iconic Count Dracula. Walking through the town is like taking a trip back in time to the medieval age, and it’s easy to image streets crowded with vampires, evil counts, wolves, peasants riding through the untamed countryside on horse-drawn carts and crooked old men doddering along the narrow streets. After a morning of exploring Sighisoara in your own time, travel by train through pastoral fields and untouched Saxon towns to Cluj Napoca, the unofficial capital of Transylvania. Perhaps enjoy a stroll around the Gothic streets of the 2000-year-old down before getting dressed up in your spookiest costumes for a Halloween party with your group.
  6. Tag 6

    Turda Salt Mines / Cluj Napoca

  7. Tag 7

    Cluj Napoca

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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel (6 Nächte)
  • 6x Frühstück
  • 1x Mittagessen
  • Bukarest - Stadtrundgang mit lokalem Guide
  • Schloss Bran - Tour
  • Brasov - Stadtrundgang mit lokalem Guide
  • Viscri - Befestigte Kirche
  • Viscri - Sock Project Visit
  • Viscri - Lokales hausgemachtes Mittagessen
  • Cluj Napoca - Halloween Party in Cluj
  • Turda - Salzminen Tour
  • Cluj Napoca - Stadtrundgang mit lokalem Guide


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Preise gelten ab/bis Bucharest, Romania
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