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Kosovo, Albania & Macedonia Explorer

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
15 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 2.680,– p.P.

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  • Erkunde den abgelegenen Norden Albaniens und unternimm eine der besten Bootstouren der Welt mit einer Fahrt durch die bergigen Korridore des Koman-Sees
  • Erlebe das tägliche Leben im Valbona-Tal bei einem Aufenthalt in einem lokalen Gästehaus. Stoße mit den Einheimischen im Dorf an und wandere über die zerklüfteten Talpässe.
  • Segle über das blaue Wasser des Ohridsees, einem der ältesten Seen Europas. Kein Wunder, dass sich Nordmazedonien und Albanien diese wunderschöne Attraktion teilen - niemand würde sie missen wollen.
  • Kososvo ist reich an Geschichte und Kontrasten. Bei einem Tagesausflug zum Amselfeld erfährst du mehr über die berüchtigte Schlacht im Kosovo, bevor du die moderne Kultur in Prishtina, der jüngsten Hauptstadt Europas, kennenlernst.
  • Verliere dich in Tirana, der albanischen Hauptstadt voller urbaner Energie, und nimm an der Lieblingsbeschäftigung der Einheimischen teil: Kaffee trinken und Leute beobachten.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 2.680,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Mire se vini – welcome to Tirana, Albania. If you arrive early, perhaps get your bearings of the city with a walk around town. Tirana is filled with activity, from its traffic to its nightlife, but on its doorstep are mosques, citadels, Ottoman architecture and museums. This is a truly progressive city that's working hard to alleviate the Soviet bloc feeling that pervaded it for so long. In the evening, perhaps head out for dinner with your new crew.
  2. Tag 2

    Tirana / Shkoder

    This morning head out on a leader-led orientation walk of central Tirana. It’s the capital of Albania and its biggest city, but it's still small and compact, with architectural influences from Italy and Turkey. Visit the Skanderbeg Monument, the mosaic on the National History Museum and the Palace of Culture, which are all located on Skanderbeg Square. The main sight in Tirana is the Et'hem Bey Mosque, which sits right on the city's main square. The mosque is currently closed for extensive renovation works, but you can still take a look at the frescoes outside and in the portico that depict trees, waterfalls and bridges. After lunch, take a local bus to Shkoder, one of the oldest cities in Europe (approximately 2 hours). Upon arrival, head out on a short walk with your leader along the Pjaca – the main pedestrian street – lined with 19th-century architecture and dominated by Ebu Beker Mosque. Later in the afternoon, why not head north of the city to visit the Venetian era Rozafa Castle, set high on a mountain with panoramic views of the Albanian countryside.
  3. Tag 3

    Lake Koman / Valbona Valley

    Take an early morning transfer to Lake Koman (approximately 1.5 hours), where you'll board a ferry between Koman and Fierza, in the remote north eastern corner of the country (approximately 3 hours). Locals use the boats here when returning from shopping trips or school in the cities, with the boat drifting to the sides to drop off or pick up passengers waiting on the banks, waving for attention. Along the way, you'll have the opportunity to take in the scenery of cliff walls on both sides of the narrow lake. The mountains that surround the lake and can reach over 1700 metres in height are almost uninhabited, except for the occasional settlement. This is one of the most beautiful boat rides you will ever take – emerald water merging with the green vegetation dotting the bright white cliffs. Upon arrival to Fierza, you'll be transferred to your guesthouse in Valbona Valley, where a delicious home cooked meal awaits.
  4. Tag 4

    Valbona Valley

    Take an excursion deeper into the remote Valbona Valley – complete with green meadows of traditional houses, farmland, and alpine trees. Due to the remoteness of the region and the lack of tourist infrastructure, today's activities will come as a surprise to all of us, including the leader! You may go for a hike in the surrounding mountains, walking through wide valleys and thick forests, or you might simply hang out in the village with the locals. One of the best things about Albania is the people – their warmth to strangers is infectious and you're bound to find yourself having a chat and swapping stories over a glass of raki or two. This is a great place to discover the history of Albania from the people who have lived through it, and to learn about the local way of life. Perhaps discover more about the stories of bloody feuds, said to be carried out in the name of the Kanun code: the customs that governed all aspects of life in the mountains.
  5. Tag 5


    Today you'll cross the border into Kosovo by private vehicle (approximately 2 hours). Tiny Kosovo is Europe’s newest (official) country: a handful of landlocked mountains, poppy-dotted meadows and oak forests smack bang in the middle of the Balkans. The shadow of conflict in the late 90s has kept Kosovo off traveller's radars but go there today and you can feel that shadow lifting, and Europe’s youngest member is definitely making up for lost time. The first stop in this newly independent country will be the Decani Monastery. Time stands still here – a place of stunning art heritage, but whose symbolic significance as a Serbian Orthodox cultural monument unfortunately makes it vulnerable to destruction. Continue on to Peja (Pec in Serbian) – the gateway to the Rugova Mountains and a major agricultural centre (approximately 30 minutes). Visit the beautifully restored Peja Bazaar, dating back to Ottoman times, and Bajrakli Mosque. Having been destroyed twice in the last 80 years, the bazaar has been fully rebuilt after the Kosovo War, according to historical Ottoman architecture, and is one of the many protected monuments in Kosovo.
  6. Tag 6

    Rugova Valley / Peja

  7. Tag 7

    Gjakova / Prizren

  8. Tag 8


  9. Tag 9

    Prishtina / Prizren

  10. Tag 10


  11. Tag 11

    Matka Canyon / Skopje

  12. Tag 12

    Lake Ohrid

  13. Tag 13

    Lake Ohrid

  14. Tag 14


  15. Tag 15


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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel (10 Nächte), Gästehaus (4 Nächte)
  • 14x Frühstück
  • 1x Mittagessen
  • 2x Abendessen
  • Koman-See - Private Bootsfahrt
  • Valbona-Tal - Dorf-Tour
  • Valbona Tal - Teehaus
  • Dečani Kloster - UNESCO Weltkulturerbe
  • Rugova Tal - Wanderung mit Mittagessen
  • Gjakova - Sufi Tekke des Halveti Ordens
  • Gjakova - Hadumi Moschee
  • Prizren - Besuch der Festung Kalaja
  • Kosovo Polje - Feld der Amselschlacht & Grabmal von Sultan Murat
  • Prishtina - Tagesausflug
  • Gracanica - Gracanica-Kloster
  • Prishtina - Bärenschutzgebiet
  • Skopje - Besuch der Matka-Schlucht und Bootsfahrt
  • Ohrid - Bootsfahrt auf dem Ohridsee


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Preise gelten ab/bis Tirana, Albania
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