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New Zealand Northern Trail (Northbound)

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 6 / max. 16
10 Tage
von 18 bis 99

ab € 2.705,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Beginne deine Reise in der kreativen und kosmopolitischen Hauptstadt Neuseelands, Wellington. Dein örtlicher Reiseleiter zeigt dir das Beste der Stadt, darunter auch den Weta Workshop, der durch "Herr der Ringe" bekannt wurde.
  • Bewundere die außergewöhnlichen Landschaften des Tongariro Nationalparks, von smaragdgrünen Seen bis hin zu aufragenden Vulkangipfeln. Wenn du dich der Herausforderung stellen willst, kannst du die berühmte Tongariro Crossing bezwingen.
  • Entdecke die Vielfalt Rotoruas, von der unglaublichen geothermischen Aktivität bis zur reichen Maori-Kultur. Besuche ein Maori-Dorf für ein Hangi-Dinner und eine traditionelle Haka-Vorführung.
  • In Raglan, einer entspannten Stadt und einem Hotspot für Surfer, kannst du abhängen oder abhängen. Nimm an einer Bootsfahrt um Raglan teil, um den Sonnenuntergang zu beobachten und ein klassisches Kiwi-Fish-and-Chips-Essen zu genießen.
  • Genieße die natürliche Schönheit der Coromandel-Halbinsel und besuche den Hot Water Beach, wo du nur einen Spaten brauchst, um dir dein eigenes natürliches Bad zu bauen.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 2.705,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to the land of the long white cloud, Aotearoa (New Zealand). Your North Island adventure begins in Wellington, New Zealand’s trendy and attractive capital city. Strung between staggering green hills and a delightful harbour, Wellington holds onto a small-town charm despite its capital status. The city is known for its creative and artistic endeavours, making it a real joy to explore. Meet your local leader and new travel buddies at your accommodation at 6pm for a welcome meeting, then the rest of the evening is yours. If you’d like to experience Wellington’s world-renowned food and craft beer scene, your leader will have tips on the best places to grab a bevvy or a bite to eat.
  2. Tag 2


    Today is all about getting to know windy Wellington, a charming place even on its most blustery days! Kick the day off with an orientation tour with your leader, checking out the bays, central Wellington, the Botanic Gardens and the Parliament Buildings. Pay a visit to Weta Workshop, the special effects studio used by Peter Jackson for the Lord of the Rings trilogy. While here you’ll have the chance to take an optional tour around the studio to find out how the team here create film magic. This afternoon, you may like to check out Wellington’s most famous cultural attraction, Te Papa museum. Displaying an intriguing combination of New Zealand’s history and cultural heritage weaved with cutting edge technology and interactive displays, there’s something here to entertain everyone. If you’d rather spend the afternoon outdoors, a tour of Kapiti Island offers the chance to spot an abundance of rare and beautiful birds.
  3. Tag 3

    Wellington / Tongariro National Park

    Make the most of your final morning in Wellington – perhaps check out the always-buzzing Cuba street for breakfast or have a wander around the City Gallery. Then it’s time to swap the city for the natural wonders of Tongariro National Park as you hit the road and head north. This drive is one worth looking out the window for, as the volcanic peaks of Ruapehu, Ngauruhoe and Tongariro draw closer. Arrive in Tongariro National Park, the oldest national park in the country and your home for the next two nights.
  4. Tag 4

    Tongariro National Park

    Tongariro National Park is an inspiring landscape brimming with emerald lakes and volcanic mountains. The park is also home to what’s thought to be one of the best one-day walks in the world – the Tongariro Crossing. Today you’ll have the chance to take on this challenging but oh-so rewarding hike, covering 19.4km through mountains, lakes, craters and thick bush. A good level of fitness and appropriate gear for all types of weather are a must for anyone considering tackling the crossing today. This is considered one of the world’s top walks for a reason – the views are simply unbeatable. You may prefer to set out on one of the shorter hikes in the park – there are heaps to choose from and your leader will help to pick one that best suits your interests and abilities.
  5. Tag 5

    Taupo / Rotorua

    Leave the landscapes of Tongariro National Park behind and get back on the road. Today’s first stop is Taupo, set on the shores of the mighty Lake Taupo, New Zealand’s largest lake. From here it’s a super scenic drive to the Huka Falls – this forceful, icy blue torrent of water is a must-see! Continue your journey towards Rotorua, known for its Maori heritage, hotbed of geothermal activity and distinctive sulphur smell (you’ll get used to it!). To get your first look at Rotorua’s impressive scenery, take a treetop walk through an ancient redwood forest over a network of suspension bridges, reaching 12 metres at the highest point.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7

    Waitomo / Raglan

  8. Tag 8

    Raglan / Coromandel Peninsula

  9. Tag 9

    Coromandel Peninsula / Auckland

  10. Tag 10


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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel/Motel (9 Nächte)
  • 9x Frühstück
  • 2x Abendessen
  • Wellington - Zealandia Wildlife Sanctuary
  • Taupo - Huka Wasserfälle
  • Rotorua - Redwood Forest Canopy Walk
  • Rotorua - Pohutu Geysir
  • Rotorua - Hangi Dinner & Haka Tanz
  • Raglan - Fish & Chips Abendessen
  • Raglan - Bootsfahrt bei Sonnenuntergang
  • Waitomo - Ruakuri Bush Walk
  • Rotorua - Hobbiton Filmset Tour
  • Coromandel Peninsula - Cathedral Cove
  • Coromandel Peninsula - Hot Water Beach


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Preise gelten ab/bis Wellington, New Zealand
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Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Partner durchgeführt

Mit einem Nachhaltigkeitszertifikat wird das Engagament eines Unternehmens auf sozialer, ökonomischer und ökologischer Ebene anerkannt. Dieses Unternehmen hat eine von GTSC anerkannte Zertifizierung und trägt somit aktiv zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung im Tourismus bei.

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