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Italy Experience

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
10 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 2.990,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Erlebe das wahre Venedig bei einer optionalen Gondelfahrt auf dem Canal Grande und durch das komplexe Netz der Wasserstraßen der Stadt. Spüre die Romantik, wenn du unter der Seufzerbrücke und der Rialto-Brücke hindurchfährst.
  • Eine Reihe von Wanderwegen verbindet die pastellfarbenen Dörfer Monterosso, Corniglia und Riomaggiore in den Cinque Terre. Erkunde diese fantastische Region zu Fuß oder nimm den Zug, wenn du eine Pause brauchst.
  • Der Schiefe Turm von Pisa ist vielleicht das Wahrzeichen der Stadt, aber sie hat noch viel mehr zu bieten. Die Piazza dei Miracoli und das Baptisterium von Pisa sind Meisterwerke mittelalterlicher italienischer Architektur
  • Florenz hat viel mehr zu bieten als die Kunst der Renaissance (obwohl die Kunst ziemlich toll ist). Die Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore ist voll von fast 600 Jahren Geschichte und Geschichten
  • Wenn die italienische Küche für ihre Einfachheit und ihren großen Geschmack bekannt ist, dann ist das nirgendwo besser der Fall als im ländlichen Spello. Lass dir von umbrischen Köstlichkeiten wie Lammfleischbällchen mit Rosmarin und Steinpilz-Risotto den Appetit verderben
  • Kein Italien-Abenteuer wäre vollständig ohne einen Besuch in Rom. Genieße viel freie Zeit, um das antike Kolosseum zu entdecken, durch die Vatikanstadt zu schlendern und im Petersdom zu den Göttern aufzusteigen.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 2.990,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2024

Mach eine Reise nach Italien, von den Kanälen in Venedig bis zu den kopfsteingepflasterten Straßen in Rom. Auf dieser zehntägigen Reise erkundest du historische Stätten und malerische Dörfer an einigen der unglaublichsten Orte in Europas Schatzkammer. Du beginnst im kanalreichen Venedig und fühlst dich wie auf einer Postkarte, wenn du durch die Straßen schlenderst und Cicchetti isst. Dann besuchst du die wunderschönen Cinque Terre, wo du wandern, fotografieren und Pesto machen kannst. Genieße die Farben der Küste und fahre dann nach Pisa, wo der schiefe Turm steht. Erkunde die Kunst, die Geschichte und die reiche Kultur von Florenz mit viel Freizeit und entdecke dann die sanften grünen Hügel von Umbrien. Genieße Wein, köstliches Essen und gute Gesellschaft, bevor du ins mächtige Rom weiterziehst.

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Ciao! Welcome to Venice. This watery wonderland of bridges, towers, piazzas, canals, churches and gondolas – practically unchanged for 600 years – is literally sinking under the weight of its iconic sights. There are no activities planned before tonight's group meeting, so if you arrive early there are plenty of things to keep you busy. Take a walk around the maze of streets behind San Marco square and begin to understand the complex canal system of Venice. The Grand Canal is a great place to start, as you can stroll over the Rialto Bridge and browse the endless amounts of boutique shops that sell Venetian masks and handmade Murano glassware. After the meeting, enjoy dinner with your fellow travel companions at a local restaurant.
  2. Tag 2


    After breakfast, venture out and explore Venice. There are only two ways to get around this city – on foot or by boat. Some of the more popular sights include Doge's Palace, the Piazza and Basilica di San Marco and the Bridge of Sighs. Take the vaporetto (water bus) over to the island of San Giorgio to climb the bell tower for the best view of Venice. No trip here would be complete without a journey down the Grand Canal in a Venetian gondola. It's a common way for visitors to see the major canal routes from an immersive perspective. While away your day in the busy San Marco square and be sure to try the local tiramisu and Italian coffee that's on offer. There’s creativity everywhere, overflowing into the canals; see it in the venetian glass in Dorsoduro or down the streets spreading out from Campo Santo Stefano, lined with unique galleries and small boutiques. Visit the Palazzo Ducale, overflowing with paintings by Italian masters, and contrast it with the modern Guggenheim. Simply enjoy getting lost crossing the hundreds of bridges and uncovering your own slice of Venice. In the evening, perhaps join your fellow travellers for a group dinner at a local restaurant. Venice is famous for its specialities of fresh lobster and squid ink spaghetti dishes, so make sure you give one a try.
  3. Tag 3

    La Spezia

    This morning after breakfast, spend the day travelling by train to the once important naval base of La Spezia (approx 5 hours), now the gateway to the gorgeous Cinque Terre, or ‘Five lands’ in English. The name comes from the five tiny villages – Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore – whose position, wedged into a series of coves between sheer cliffs, makes it one of the highlights of the whole of Italy. The journey usually takes between five and seven hours either via Milan or via Florence (depending on the best available connection), and is a very scenic trip through the north of Italy. On arrival in La Spezia there won't be too much time to explore yet, but after checking into your hotel perhaps get your bearings of the area with a short walk around the pedestrian zone on Via del Prione to the gardens along the harbour, or head out for dinner with the group.
  4. Tag 4

    Cinque Terre / La Spezia

    This morning venture out on the footpaths of Cinque Terre (Five Lands), a region of Italy famed for its coastline and pastel villages. The footpaths that run between the villages were once the only way to travel in the region, and take you through olive groves, vineyards and on to idyllic vistas. You can choose to walk just a few sections, which will still unveil a great amount of majestic scenery. Some sections of path can be difficult, as there are challenging uphill stretches, narrow paths, steep cliffs and foot bridges. Please remember to bring comfortable footwear such as trainers or light hiking shoes. It's also possible to take the train between any of the villages or back to the group's base whenever you want. After working up an appetite, take advantage of the foods of the Liguria region with a pesto making demonstration, and the chance for you to create your own pesto. Of course you will get to try your creation with a glass of wine afterwards. The rest of the day is free. In the evening, there's no better way to recover from your day of walking with more indulgence in delicious Mediterranean food.
  5. Tag 5

    Pisa / Florence

    Depart Cinque Terre today and catch a train to Pisa (approximately 1-2 hours). Divided in two by the River Arno, the heart of Pisa is the Santa Maria quarter on the north bank. Here there'll be some time for you to visit the world-famous Leaning Tower, as well as the Duomo (Piazza dei Miracoli, once the largest in Europe) and Pisa Baptistry. Please note that it's not always possible to climb the tower, although you'll have plenty of time to take pictures and explore the city. The tower was built in the 12th century, but its foundation was on shifting sand and clay, meaning that it now leans at an angle of 4 degrees (after restoration and stabilising work). Wander the shopping streets, from high-end boutiques to speciality book and antiques stores, and perhaps enjoy lunch and an aperitif in a backstreet restaurant. Return to the station in the afternoon and take the train to Florence (approximately 2 hours). After checking in to your hotel in Florence, the rest of your evening is free to explore the city of the Renaissance.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8

    Spello / Perugia

  9. Tag 9


  10. Tag 10


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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel (9 Nächte)
  • 9x Frühstück
  • 1x Mittagessen
  • 3x Abendessen
  • Venedig - Cicchetti-Tour
  • Venedig - Glockenturm San Giorgio
  • Venedig - Traghetto-Fahrt
  • Venedig - Vaporetto Tageskarte
  • Cinque Terre - "Il Laboratorio del Pesto" Herstellung & Demonstration
  • Cinque Terre - Cinque Terre Pass und geführte Wanderung
  • Pisa - Halbtagesausflug nach Pisa
  • Florenz - Piazzale Michelangelo
  • Perugia - Orientierungswanderung unter Leitung eines Führers
  • Spello - Enoteca Weinverkostung & Mittagessen
  • Rom - Orientierungsspaziergang unter Anleitung


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Venice, Italy
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