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Premium North & South India

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
22 Tage
von 18 bis 99

ab € 6.545,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Genieße eine Unterkunft, die ihresgleichen sucht - ein opulent dekoriertes Haus in Jaipur, ein wunderschönes umgebautes Hausboot auf den Backwaters in Kerala und ein elegantes Hotel in Kochi sind deine besonderen Aufenthalte auf dieser Reise.
  • Finde bei exklusiven Erlebnissen heraus, was die indische Küche so besonders macht. Dazu gehören von Einheimischen geführte kulinarische Touren in Agra und Madurai, hausgemachte Mahlzeiten bei einheimischen Familien und eine ayurvedische Kochdemonstration mit Abendessen.
  • Begib dich auf eine Safari durch den Ranthambore Nationalpark auf der Suche nach den schwer fassbaren Tigern, die den Park ihr Zuhause nennen, und verfolge die Fußspuren der wilden Elefanten im Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary.
  • Entdecke die Schönheit der Gebäude in ganz Indien, von Jaipurs Amber Fort und dem königlichen Stadtpalast bis zu Agras Rotem Fort und dem ikonischen Taj Mahal, und erlebe architektonische Einflüsse aus einer multikulturellen Vergangenheit in Puducherry und Kochi.
  • Nimm an exklusiven Erlebnissen teil, die du nie vergessen wirst: Besuche ein königliches Haveli in Jaipur und lausche den Geschichten der Vorfahren des Besitzers, fahre mit einheimischen Musikern den Ganges hinunter und werde Zeuge einer lebhaften Kalarippayattu-Vorführung.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 6.545,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to India! On arrival at Delhi Airport, you will be collected and transferred to your hotel. This evening, there will be an important welcome meeting in the hotel at around 6 pm to meet your local leader and fellow group of travellers. Until then, you can use any time before the meeting to explore this excitingly chaotic capital city. Filled with historical sites from different eras, museums, galleries and endless bazaars, there’s plenty to see in Delhi. After your welcome meeting, join your leader and small group for dinner at one of Delhi’s oldest restaurants that has been delighting visitors for more than 80 years. The iconic restaurant is credited with introducing India to ice cream and fine dining. Tonight your leader will introduce you to the exciting world of Indian cuisine. Perhaps start out with some classic dishes like mutton rogan josh and paneer tikka.
  2. Tag 2


    Today, make the drive to Agra. Once arrived, take some time to settle in to your hotel then head out to visit India's most iconic structure at sunset – the spectacular Taj Mahal. Best known as a monument to love and loss, the 17th-century Taj was built by Emperor Shah Jahan as a tomb for his second wife and is a beautiful example of Mughal architecture, surrounded by trimmed English gardens. Meet with a Taj Mahal guide who will illuminate the fascinating history of this world-famous building as you tour it at sunset. Beyond its most famous structure, Agra also boasts a marvellous food scene. This evening, a local expert will join you on a street food tour away from the main tourist trail and help you understand Agra’s cuisine and culture. Stop by a 19th-century shop serving up age-old recipes from the Braj region of India, and visit hyperlocal eateries most visitors to Agra never see. Pass by the incredible Jama Masjid of Agra, one of the largest mosques in India.
  3. Tag 3

    Ranthambhore National Park

    Start the day with a visit to one of the finest looking forts in India – the magnificent Agra Fort. Learn how a fortress and prison was built out of red sandstone by Akbar in 1565, then conversions and additions by Shah Jahan transformed the fort into a palace. Explore elegant courtyards and a labyrinth of buildings while you try to take in the grand scale of this remarkable structure. After your visit, depart Agra and make your way to Ranthambore, arriving in the late afternoon. On arrival, you may like to take a stroll around town, put your feet up and relax beside the pool, or enjoy a meal at the onsite restaurant.
  4. Tag 4

    Ranthambhore National Park

    Rise early for a morning safari. Ranthambore National Park is one of the original Project Tiger reserves – a place where nature has reclaimed ancient fortresses and temples and is teeming with wildlife. In 4WD safari vehicles, take game drives to search for animals, including the majestic tiger which stalks through the jungle. Even if they are too stealthy to see, the park is filled with other animals like gazelle, hyenas, sloth bears, crocodiles, jackals, three types of antelope (nilgai, sambar and chital) and leopards to watch out for. Enjoy some downtime at the resort in the afternoon, then venture back out for an evening safari through the park – another chance to spot some of this region’s resident tiger population. You may also have the opportunity to explore the 1000-year-old Ranthambore Fort, where two pavilions that have survived the ravages of war and time, Badal Mahal and Hammirs Court, give an idea of its old grandeur.
  5. Tag 5


    Today you will travel to Jaipur, the capital of the Rajasthan region. Arrive at your feature stay accommodation, the fabulous Hotel Narain Niwas Palace. This beautiful heritage hotel has been run by the same family since its opening in 1928 and retains the warm feel of a traditional family home, while opulent touches emanate from every corner – look out for delectable chandeliers, stained glass windows and peacocks roaming the grounds. Surrounded by a glittering swimming pool and lush gardens, you’ll enjoy a magical escape from the rush and racket of the outside world. Take some time to settle in, then join your leader on a walking tour through the crowded streets packed with cars, camel carts, rickshaws, trucks and bicycles, past traditionally dressed Rajput men wearing colourful turbans and sporting magnificent moustaches. Hear stories of the city’s culture and history as you explore crowded bazaars filled with handcrafted textiles, folk art, and the local speciality of semi-precious stones. Dinner this evening is something a little bit special – head to the home of a local Brahmin family for a wonderful homecooked dinner. Chat to your friendly hosts about their way of life and learn their culinary secrets – Brahmin dishes exclude onion and garlic, but you’ll discover their food is still bursting with flavour.
  6. Tag 6


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  11. Tag 11

    Puducherry (Pondicherry)

  12. Tag 12

    Puducherry (Pondicherry)

  13. Tag 13


  14. Tag 14


  15. Tag 15


  16. Tag 16

    Thekkady - Periyar National Park

  17. Tag 17


  18. Tag 18


  19. Tag 19

    Kerala Backwaters

  20. Tag 20


  21. Tag 21


  22. Tag 22


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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel (16 Nächte), Jaipur Feature Stay (2 Nächte), Houseboat Feature Stay (1 Nacht), Kochi Feature Stay (2 Nächte)
  • 20x Frühstück
  • 3x Mittagessen
  • 10x Abendessen
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Delhi - Willkommensessen
  • Agra - Taj Mahal
  • Agra - Von Experten geführte Street Food Tour (als Abendessen)
  • Agra - Agra Fort
  • Ranthambhore National Park - Wildlife Safari am Morgen
  • Ranthambhore Nationalpark - Abendliche Wildtier-Safari
  • Jaipur - Hausgekochtes Abendessen
  • Jaipur - Orientierungsspaziergang unter Anleitung
  • Jaipur - Amber Fort
  • Jaipur - Stadtpalast
  • Jaipur - Privater königlicher Haveli-Besuch mit Besitzer
  • Jaipur - Rooftop-Drinks mit Blick auf die alte Stadtmauer (ein Getränk inklusive)
  • Varanasi - Sarnath
  • Varanasi - Bootsfahrt zum Sonnenaufgang auf dem Ganges
  • Varanasi - Kerzenblütenzeremonie bei Sonnenuntergang
  • Varanasi - Altstadtrundgang mit Führer
  • Varanasi - Bootsfahrt bei Sonnenuntergang auf dem Ganges (Musiker an Bord)
  • Delhi - Besuch der Jama Masjid Moschee
  • Delhi - Rundgang durch Alt-Delhi unter der Leitung eines Führers
  • Delhi - Sheeshganj Gurudwara (Sikh-Tempel)
  • Delhi - Abschlussessen
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Chennai - Willkommensessen
  • Mamallapuram - Geführte Tour zu den Ufertempeln
  • Puducherry - Spaziergang durch das französische Viertel mit Führung
  • Puducherry - Sri Aurobindo Ashram
  • Puducherry - Zwischenstopp in einem lokalen Café
  • Madurai - Geführte Street Food Tour
  • Madurai - Sri Meenakshi 1000 Säule
  • Madurai - Sri Meenakshi-Tempel
  • Madurai - Gandhi Museum
  • Madurai - Wandertour mit Führer
  • Madurai - Thirumalai Nayakkar Palast
  • Madurai - Besuch einer lokalen Familie und hausgemachtes tamilisches Abendessen
  • Thekkady - Besuch einer Gewürzplantage unter fachkundiger Führung und Mittagessen
  • Periyar - Kalaripayattu (Indische Kampfkunst) Vorführung
  • Periyar - Geführte Naturwanderung
  • Munnar - Teeplantage
  • Munnar - Teemuseum
  • Munnar - Mattupetty Damm
  • Munnar - Stadtrundgang mit Führer
  • Kochi - Kathakali-Aufführung
  • Kochi - Jüdische Synagoge
  • Kochi - Fähre nach Mattancherry
  • Kochi - Geführte Fort Kochi Wanderung
  • Kochi - Holländischer Palast
  • Kochi - Ayurveda-inspiriertes Abendessen
  • Kochi - Konversation mit einem Experten für Satvik Bhojan (ayurvedische Ernährung)


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Delhi, India
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