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Best of Indonesia

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
22 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 2.858,– p.P.

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  • Der Gunung Leuser Nationalpark ist deine beste Chance in ganz Indonesien, Orang-Utans in freier Wildbahn zu sehen. Dieses vielfältige Ökosystem beherbergt außerdem rund 300 Vogelarten und den bedrohten Sumatra-Tiger
  • Die ausgezeichnete Bukit Lawang Eco Lodge bietet ein einzigartiges Dschungelerlebnis, und mit deinem Aufenthalt dort unterstützt du das Sumatra-Orang-Utan-Schutzprogramm
  • Besteige den Vulkan Sibayak, genieße ein Picknick auf seinem spektakulären Gipfel und fahre dann zu den örtlichen heißen Quellen, um dich nach dem Abstieg zu erholen und zu entspannen.
  • Erkunde den Toba-See und die Dörfer auf der Insel Samosir. Besuche den höchsten Wasserfall Indonesiens und nimm an einer kulturellen Tour teil, die eine traditionelle Batak-Tanzvorführung beinhaltet.
  • Yogyakarta ist einer der herausragenden Orte Südostasiens, und eine Radtour führt dich durch das Hinterland, eine Welt der blumenübersäten Felder und lächelnden Einheimischen
  • Mach eine geführte Wanderung durch den Dschungel und die Reisfelder des Seloliman-Naturreservats und lehn dich dann zurück, entspann dich und genieße die Atmosphäre unter den Sternen
  • Die Besteigung des Mt. Bromo in den frühen Morgenstunden ist ein unvergessliches Abenteuer. Wenn die Bedingungen stimmen, wirst du mit einem atemberaubenden Sonnenuntergang über den nebelverhangenen Vulkanen belohnt.
  • Wirf einen Blick hinter die Kulissen einiger der faszinierenden lokalen Industrien Javas - von Kaffee, Kakao und Palmzucker bis hin zur traditionellen javanischen Medizin
  • Du hast genug Zeit, um im schönen Pemuteran am Strand zu entspannen


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 2.858,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Selamat datang! Welcome to Indonesia. The adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 6 pm. If you happen to arrive early, perhaps check out Maimun Palace – designed by a Dutch Architect and built in the 19th century, it combines architecture from Malay, Indian and Islamic cultures and is now a museum. Alternatively, buy a ticket and take a guided tour of the museum at Tjong A Fie Mansion – known as "the historical jewel in Medan", the Tjong A Fie was built in 1895 by a hakka merchant and is modelled on the Cheong Fatt Tze mansion in Penang. After your important welcome meeting, you could head to grab some street food with your group at one of the night markets in town, or go to a local restaurant – your group leader will know of some good spots.
  2. Tag 2

    Bukit Lawang

    Jump aboard a private vehicle and drive to Bukit Lawang (approximately 5 hours). The first part of the journey involves quite heavy traffic, but the roads are nice and smooth. Closer to Bukit Lawang it gets bumpy and windy, so brace yourself for a bit of an adventure. The reward for the journey is the destination – Bukit Lawang a peaceful village located on the banks of the Bohorok river, right next to the Gunung Leuser National Park. In the afternoon you can take an optional tour in the countryside by becak (cycle rickshaw) or cool off with a refreshing swim in the river. There will be also be plenty of time to prepare for your jungle trek.
  3. Tag 3

    Gunung Leuser National Park

    Set off on your trekking adventure through the Gunung Leuser National Park with an experienced guide (approximately 5–6 hours). The night will be spent camping out in the jungle. This UNESCO World Heritage-listed park spans 7927 square kilometres and is one of the world's most diverse ecosystems. It's the home of many endangered species, including the Sumatran tiger, rhinoceros and elephants. These animals are extremely rare to see but you will get the chance to go in search for wild orangutans. There used to be an orangutan rehabilitation centre here, but now these creatures have all been returned to their natural habitat, so this is your best chance in Indonesia to see orangutans in the wild. There are also 300 species of birds, and many rare plants and flowers. Today's hike is hilly and can be muddy. The paths are mostly clear, but there are some sections where you’ll have to climb over large fallen logs. You may stop and rest while the guides go in search for orangutans. Along the way, guides point out orangutan nests, edible plants for you to try, monkeys, birds, and wild orangutan. You will carry your own lunch and break for lunch along the way then continue trekking to the camp site, where the guides set up and cook dinner for the group.
  4. Tag 4

    Gunung Leuser National Park - Berastagi

    You will wake early to the sound of gibbons and continue the trek down river (approximately 2 hours). Your feet may get wet, so strap-on sandals, booties or local rubber shoes are recommended to pack. Head back to Bukit Lawang, where day rooms will be made available for a freshen up and shower before you get on the bus. It's also a good chance to stock up on some tropical fruit for the road. Depart early afternoon for Berastagi (approximately 5.5 hours). Berastagi is the home of the Karo people, a Batak sub-group with traditional villages (long houses), and is your destination for the night.
  5. Tag 5

    Mt Sibayak - Berastagi

    Drive for approximately 30 minutes to the starting point of today's hike. The hike (approximately 2-3 hours) brings you to the top of Sibayak Volcano (2094 m). It's quite steep, muddy and slippery, especially in the wet season. Follow a shady jungle path which, towards the top, opens up into a more alpine setting. Long pants are essential to protect you from poisonous plants, and a trekking stick will also come in handy. After reaching the top, sit down to a traditional bungkus lunch and enjoy the views. From the summit you can see (and hear) the steaming vapours escaping from the fumaroles of this active volcano. Then it's time for the descent (approximately 1 hour). Afterwards, head straight to the nearby hot springs for a soothing soak – after a few days of trekking, you deserve to relax in these pools, which are all naturally heated by the volcano.
  6. Tag 6

    Lake Toba

  7. Tag 7

    Lake Toba

  8. Tag 8


  9. Tag 9


  10. Tag 10


  11. Tag 11


  12. Tag 12


  13. Tag 13


  14. Tag 14


  15. Tag 15


  16. Tag 16

    Seloliman Nature Reserve

  17. Tag 17

    Seloliman Nature Reserve – Mt Bromo

  18. Tag 18

    Mt Bromo – Kalibaru

  19. Tag 19

    Kalibaru – Pemuteran

  20. Tag 20


  21. Tag 21


  22. Tag 22


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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel (13 Nächte), Camping (1 Nacht), Gästehaus (7 Nächte)
  • 21x Frühstück
  • 4x Mittagessen
  • 2x Abendessen
  • Gunung Leuser NP - Dschungel Wildlife Trek
  • Gunung Leuser NP - Trekking Mittagessen
  • Gunung Leuser NP - Abendessen im Zeltlager
  • Mt Sibayak - Picknick Mittagessen
  • Mt. Sibayak - Vulkanbesteigung
  • Berastagi - Heiße Quellen
  • Toba-See - Sipiso-Piso-Wasserfall
  • Dokan Dorf - Besuch des Batak-Langhauses
  • Tobasee - Samosir Insel Tagestour
  • Toba-See - Steinstühle
  • Toba-See - Simanindo-Museum
  • Toba-See - Batak-Tanzvorführung
  • Jakarta - Stadtrundfahrt
  • Pangandaran - Grüner Canyon
  • Pangandaran - Tour durch Dörfer und Handwerksbetriebe
  • Borobudur - Tempeltour
  • Yogyakarta - Radtour auf dem Land
  • Seloliman Nature Reserve - Besuch des Umweltbildungszentrums
  • Seloliman Nature Reserve - Umweltbildungszentrum Mittagessen
  • Seloliman Nature Reserve - Umweltbildungszentrum Abendessen
  • Seloliman Nature Reserve - Geführter Spaziergang & Kräutergetränkeverkostung
  • Seloliman Nature Reserve - Umweltbildungszentrum Mittagessen
  • Mt Bromo - Sonnenaufgangsbesteigung
  • Kalibaru - Kaffee-, Kakao- und Kautschukplantagen-Tour
  • Mengwi - Taman Ayun Tempel


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Medan, Indonesia
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