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Croatia & Slovenia

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
8 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 1.958,– p.P.

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  • Entdecke das wunderschöne Split - eine Oase der Entspannung und Kultur, in der Tradition, Moderne und eine Vielzahl europäischer Einflüsse aufeinandertreffen. Entspanne dich bei einem Spaziergang an der Uferpromenade und erkunde die beeindruckenden Ruinen des Diokletianpalastes.
  • Spüre das reiche Erbe der ehemaligen Hauptstadt Dalmatiens bei jedem Schritt auf den Marmorstraßen von Zadar und besuche ein örtliches Nonnenkloster und erfahre mehr über ihre Arbeit auf dem Bauernhof.
  • Entdecke Zagreb und Ljubljana, die Hauptstädte Kroatiens und Sloweniens, und entspanne dich in ihren weitläufigen Grünanlagen, finde versteckte Orte und erlebe die lebendige Kultur in deiner Freizeit.
  • Spaziere durch den Nationalpark Plitvicer Seen und bestaune die leuchtenden Seen und Wasserfälle, die wie von einem Künstler gezeichnet wirken. Dann besuche eine NGO in der Nähe und erfahre, wie sie ein wichtiges Kulturhandwerk bewahrt.
  • Entdecke die slowenische Stadt Bled - ein aktives Paradies. Die wunderschöne Stadt liegt an einem atemberaubenden See am Rande der Julischen Alpen mit einer Inselkirche, die direkt aus einem Märchen zu stammen scheint.
  • Wenn du an dieser Reise teilnimmst, unterstützt du direkt unseren Partner der Intrepid Foundation, Humana Zagreb. Die Spenden helfen dabei, Arbeitsmöglichkeiten und Ausbildungsprogramme im Bereich nachhaltige Mode und Textilien für Menschen mit Behinderungen anzubieten.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.958,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2025

Dieses Abenteuer führt dich von den gotischen Monumenten in Split über die unberührte Landschaft des Nationalparks Plitvicer Seen und die alten Straßen der Altstadt von Zadar bis nach Zagreb. Nachdem du die dalmatinische Küste verlassen hast, fährst du nach Slowenien und entdeckst die bezaubernde Umgebung von Bled. Diese abwechslungsreiche Reise bietet üppige Waldwanderungen, atemberaubende Landschaften, mittelalterliche Architektur und köstliches Essen sowie einen guten Einblick in die alte kroatische und slowenische Kultur.

Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Dobro Dosli! Welcome to Croatia. If Dubrovnik is considered the heart of Dalmatia, Split is certainly its soul. Situated on a small peninsula on the eastern shores of the Adriatic Sea, it's the second largest city in Croatia. Split grew out from Diocletian's Palace and you can almost see it evolving in a multitude of different ways right before your eyes. Some cultures might have made the palace a museum, but the city of Split has always been a dynamic, vibrant place and the palace houses many businesses as well as being home to locals. After the group meeting, perhaps head out for your first taste of Dalmatian cuisine with the group.
  2. Tag 2


    Travel by local bus northwest to Zadar (approximately 3 hours). For centuries Zadar was the capital city of Dalmatia, and the city's rich heritage is visible at every step. An important coastal town, the musical steps of the ‘Sea Organ’ on Zadar's waterfront express its important relationship with the sea. Trace marble streets through the Old Town and discover Roman ruins in amongst medieval churches. Enjoy some local food and drinks in a city that’s home to a vibrant café culture. Zadarsko pivo is a light beer with a very pleasant taste, just a little bit bitter, with a rich flavour. Afterwards, perhaps treat yourself to a gourmet meal at a contemporary Croatian restaurant. Try lamb in red wine, 'njoki' with Dalmatian ham and rocket salad, or opt for the popular choice of fresh fish: tuna carpaccio or a fillet in scampi sauce. Also try the famous liqueur, Maraskino, made from locally-grown maraschino cherries according to a centuries' old secret recipe. This unique drink was a favourite at European imperial and royal courts and has been produced in Zadar since 1821.
  3. Tag 3

    Pag Island / Zadar

    Today embark on a full day trip to Pag Island (approximately 1 hour from Zadar). The karst island of Pag is home to sheep, and a determined group of islanders who wring themselves a living from the barren, rocky landscape. Settled in pre-Roman times, the island has been at the mercy of the shifting fortunes of various Dalmatian rulers, and today reminders of its prosperous salt-mining past are visible around the island. Explore the old town of Pag, or swim in one of the shallow coves near town that make Pag Island a popular destination for beachgoers. Meet a producer of the island's renowned paški sir – Pag cheese. Eaten sliced with black olives or ham, or grated and used instead of Parmesan, paški sir is salty with a sharp tangy flavour. This distinctive cheese comes from Pag Island's sheep, who roam the rocky island eating aromatic herbs and grass on slopes coated in salt deposits by strong sea winds. The milk is collected in May, left unpasteurised during fermentation, then rubbed with sea salt and olive oil and left to age anywhere from six months to a year. Indulge in some of the cheese along with some local wine. This is followed by lunch, which is usually lamb cooked under the bell, with a vegetarian option available also. Once back in Zadar perhaps visit the famous modern ‘Greeting to the Sun’ and the more ancient St. Donat`s Church and St. Anastasia’s Cathedral.
  4. Tag 4

    Plitvice Lakes National Park

    Take a drive inland and travel north to your next base of Grabovac (approximately 2 hours). Here you’ll visit Plitvice Lakes National Park, a misty Eden of endless waterfalls and spectral blue lakes. Fed by the Bijela and Crna (White and Black) Rivers, the waters tumble from a high, tree-lined ridge down through the valley and skirt dense forests of beech, spruce and pine. A series of wooden walkways pass over the landscape, ensuring there’s little impact upon the park. 16 stunning turquoise lakes, fed by underground springs, are split into the upper and lower lakes. The upper are in the dolomite cliffs, where rushing water weaves in and out of the karst, dropping dramatically down to the lower lakes, with enchanting forests, grottoes and steep cliffs. This interplay of water, rock, and plant-life creates a wondrous, dynamic landscape, changing the water colour from azure to bright green, deep blue to grey. Look to the canopy for over 120 species of birds, including hawks and owls. The butterflies that hover through the trees transform the park into a riot of colour in the autumn. Even amongst this pristine natural beauty, the Plitvice Lakes are shadowed by the region's history. The 1991 civil war erupted here after rebel Serbs took control of the park's headquarters, holding the park for the duration of the war and devastating infrastructure, though thankfully leaving the natural landscape intact.
  5. Tag 5


    Take the drive to Pula, the capital of the province of Istria (approximately 4 hours). A Roman amphitheatre, a wealth of architectural sights and a hedonistic bent make Pula a great place to catch a concert or sample some Istrian cuisine. Pula has a long history as a Roman citadel, a pirate target and a naval port, and today this regional and economic centre is powered by shipbuilding, textiles, metals and glass. On a free day, a wander through Pula's Old Town is like a step back in time to its heyday as a Roman regional administrative centre. Follow the Roman walls and pass through the Triumphal Arch of Sergius from 27 BC. On the pedestrianized streets of the Old Town, see the ancient Forum, whose sole remaining structure is the Temple of Augustus, rebuilt after almost total devastation in World War II. The Roman Amphitheatre is Pula's most impressive sight. Overlooking the harbour, it was built in the 1st century and designed to hold up to 20,000 spectators, who revelled in the bloodthirsty gladiatorial contests shown there. It’s a spectacular sight as the sun sets.
  6. Tag 6

    Rovinj / Bled

  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel (4 Nächte), Gästehaus (1 Nacht), Pension (2 Nächte)
  • 6x Frühstück
  • Zadar - Orientierungswanderung unter Anleitung
  • Zadar - Nonnenkloster & Bauernhofbesuch
  • Plitvicer Seen - Besuch des Nationalparks
  • Licko Petrovo Selo NGO-Besuch
  • Zagreb - Orientierungsspaziergang mit dem Leiter
  • Ljubljana - Burg und Standseilbahn
  • Ljubljana - Stadtrundgang mit Führung
  • Bled - Spaziergang um den Bleder See


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Split, Croatia
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