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Premium Egypt & Jordan in Depth

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
22 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 6.898,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Entdecke die Pyramiden von Gizeh, das Tal der Könige, die antike Stadt Alexandria, den Schlachtort El Alamein, die majestätische Stadt Petra und begib dich auf eine 4WD-Fahrt durch die windgepeitschten Felsformationen des Wadi Rum.
  • Genieße unvergessliche exklusive Erlebnisse, darunter ein Abendessen im Haus einer Familie in Kairo, einen Besuch im ältesten Coffeeshop der Stadt, einen Drink bei Sonnenuntergang an Bord einer traditionellen Feluke und ein Zarb-Abendessen mit deinen Beduinen-Gastgebern im Wadi Rum.
  • Nimm dir Zeit, Abu Simbel mit einer Übernachtung zu erkunden und entdecke dieses großartige, in den Berghang gehauene Monument mit weniger Menschenmassen, gefolgt von einem exklusiven Premium-Erlebnis: einer unglaublichen Ton- und Lichtshow.
  • Entspanne dich bei vier Nächten auf einem erstklassigen Nil-Flussschiff, mit dem du bequem den Fluss hinauffahren kannst, und erlebe abgelegene Eleganz während deines Aufenthalts in einem Luxuscamp in Wadi Rum, deinem Feature Stays für dieses Abenteuer.
  • Erlebe das Beste der nahöstlichen Küche bei Willkommensessen in Kairo und Amman, beim High Tea im Old Cataract Hotel in Assuan, bei traditionellen Mahlzeiten in zwei Familienhäusern und bei einem familiären Kochkurs in Amman.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 6.898,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen

Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Egypt! Your adventure begins in Cairo – a city just as captivating as it is chaotic. You will be met on arrival at Cairo International Airport and transferred to your hotel. An important welcome meeting will take place here at 6pm with your local leader and fellow travellers. If you arrive with time to spare, you can take in an incredible first glimpse of the pyramids from your hotel’s pool and bar area. After your welcome meeting, get your first taste of Egyptian cuisine during a welcome dinner with your leader and small group. Head to a fantastic local restaurant and try out some classic dishes like fatta, a dish made with rice, bread and meat in a garlic and vinegar sauce, and kushari, a delicious mix of pasta, rice, lentils and fried onions.
  2. Tag 2


    This morning after breakfast, travel to arguably the most recognizable structures in the world – the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. Your leader is a trained Egyptologist and will share the fascinating history of these incredible feats of engineering. For an additional charge, you may be able to step inside the Great Pyramid of Khufu (or Cheops). After spending some time here, Your adventure continues to the Egyptian Museum, home to one of the world's great collections of ancient artefacts. Wander the treasure-filled halls, and make sure to check out the optional Mummies Hall for a close encounter with some of the country’s most important queens and pharaohs. The masses of gleaming artefacts recovered from the tomb of Tutankhamun are an impressive sight – from jewellery to the famous golden death mask and his gilded sarcophagi, this pharaoh was certainly prepared for the afterlife. Gain special insight by touring with a guide and enjoy time to explore independently. Spend an evening at leisure – you may like to take a taxi into town to explore Cairo further, or for something special, book in for a dinner cruise on the Nile.
  3. Tag 3


    Take to the road for your journey to Alexandria after breakfast, stopping in Wadi El Natron along the way. Your leader will explain how this area became a sanctuary for Christians after Saint Macarius the Great retreated here in AD360. There were once some 60-odd monasteries in the Wadi, though now only four remain. One of these is Anba Bishoy Monastery, named for Saint Bishoi who came to the site to live in solitude. Take a wander around the gardens and observe the resident monks as they go about their daily lives, then visit the church for expansive views over the desert. Continue this afternoon to the city of Alexandria, founded by Alexander the Great and often referred to as the Pearl of the Mediterranean.
  4. Tag 4


    Enjoy a full day uncovering the secrets of Alexandria with the guidance of your knowledgeable leader. Visit Pompey’s Pillar and the Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa, a Roman burial site dating back to the second century that wasn’t discovered until 1900. The fascinating tombs were created during a transitional period in Alexandria’s history and interestingly feature Greek, Egyptian and Roman elements. Continue to the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (once the Great Library of Alexandra), which is found where the Library of Ptolemies once stood some 1700 years ago. Finish up with a stop at the Montazah Palace and Royal Gardens, a complex featuring beautifully maintained gardens and two royal palaces built during the 19th and 20th centuries. Spend the evening by the water wandering along the corniche or relax back at your hotel.
  5. Tag 5


    Today, travel south of Alexandria for a more sombre experience at the historic battle site of El Alamein. It was here that British and Commonwealth soldiers fought a decisive Allied victory against the German Afrika Korps that defined the North African campaign. Both sides suffered heavy losses and the memorial commemorates nearly 12,000 Commonwealth servicemen who died in the Western Desert campaigns during the Second World War. Stop to enjoy your lunch, brought with you from Alexandria; a delicious feteer meshaltet. This layered pastry is an iconic Egyptian dish and can be filled with a range of sweet or savoury ingredients. Return to Cairo in the afternoon and enjoy an evening at leisure.
  6. Tag 6

    Nile Cruise - Luxor

  7. Tag 7

    Nile Cruise - Edfu

  8. Tag 8

    Nile Cruise - Aswan

  9. Tag 9

    Nile Cruise - Aswan

  10. Tag 10

    Abu Simbel

  11. Tag 11


  12. Tag 12


  13. Tag 13


  14. Tag 14


  15. Tag 15


  16. Tag 16


  17. Tag 17

    Dead Sea

  18. Tag 18


  19. Tag 19


  20. Tag 20

    Wadi Rum

  21. Tag 21


  22. Tag 22


Reiseverlauf als PDF downloaden
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Leistungen 2025

  • Komfortables Hotel (16 Nächte), Feature Stay (5 Nächte)
  • 20x Frühstück
  • 6x Mittagessen
  • 13x Abendessen
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Kairo - Willkommensessen
  • Kairo - Pyramiden von Gizeh und die Sphinx
  • Kairo - Ägyptisches Museum
  • Alexandria - Wadi El Natron Klöster
  • Alexandria - Anba Bishoy-Kloster
  • Alexandria - Katakomben von Kom el Shoqafa
  • Alexandria - Bibliotheca Alexandrina
  • Alexandria - Fort Qaitbay
  • El Alamein - Kriegsfriedhöfe und Museum
  • Luxor - Karnak-Tempel
  • Luxor - Tal der Könige (Eingang zu 3 Gräbern)
  • Luxor - Grabmal des Tutanchamun
  • Luxor - Hatschepsut-Tempel
  • Luxor - Kolosse von Memnon
  • Izbat Al Bayyarah - Kom Ombo-Tempel
  • Assuan - Philae-Tempel
  • Assuan - Scharia el Souk
  • Abu Simbel - Abu Simbel-Tempel
  • Abu Simbel - Abu Simbel Ton- und Lichtshow (Eintrittspreis)
  • Assuan - Nachmittagstee im Old Cataract Hotel
  • Assuan - Getränke bei Sonnenuntergang auf einer Feluke
  • Assuan - Insel Elephantine
  • Assuan - Unvollendeter Obelisk und hoher Damm
  • Assuan - Besuch eines nubischen Dorfes und Abendessen
  • Kairo - Selbstgekochtes Abendessen
  • Kairo - Kaffee/Tee in einem lokalen Cafe
  • Kairo - Khan al-Khalili Basar
  • Kairo - Ibn Tulun Moschee
  • Kairo - Gayer-Anderson Museum (Eintrittsgebühr)
  • Kairo - Fayoum Tagesausflug mit Tal der Wale und dem Klimawandelmuseum
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Amman - Willkommensessen
  • Jerash - Römische Ruinen
  • Amman - Kochkurs und Abendessen
  • Madaba - St. Georges Kirche
  • Mt. Nebo - Besichtigung
  • Shobak - Schloss Shobak
  • Petra - Geführte Tour durch Petra
  • Petra - Besichtigung von Petra am zweiten Tag (ohne Führung)
  • Wadi Rum - Wüsten-Jeep-Tour
  • Wadi Rum - Zarb Lokales Abendessen
  • Wadi Rum - Wüsten- und Dünenwanderung


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Cairo, Egypt
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