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Egypt Family Holiday

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 2 / max. 16
8 Tage
von 5 bis 99

ab € 1.340,– p.P.

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  • Erkunde mit deiner Familie antike Ikonen wie die Pyramiden, die Sphinx und das Tal der Könige und erhalte von erfahrenen örtlichen Führern Informationen über die Hintergründe.
  • Diese Tour bietet viele Gelegenheiten, mit den Einheimischen in Kontakt zu treten und ein Stück zeitgenössisches ägyptisches Leben zu erleben, darunter ein Abendessen mit einer nubischen Familie in einem Dorf in Assuan.
  • Erlebe das Licht des Sonnenaufgangs auf den Dünen der Sahara während einer Frühstücksfahrt auf einer traditionellen Feluke auf dem Nil.
  • Besuche tagsüber epische Monumente wie den Isis-Tempel und entspanne dich am Nachmittag am Pool - auf dieser Reise gibt es sowohl Besichtigungen als auch Zeit zum Entspannen.
  • Ägypten kann überwältigend sein, vor allem, wenn du mit Kindern reist, aber die Führung deines örtlichen Reiseleiters und eine gut geplante, ausgewogene Reiseroute sorgen für ein angstfreies Abenteuer.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.340,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Salaam Aleikum! Welcome to Cairo, an intriguing mix of the modern and ancient. Your family adventure begins at a welcome meeting at 5 pm tonight at your hotel. With the formalities out of the way, head out for a meal with your leader and fellow travellers and get to know each other over some local fare. For those who arrive early and have free time there are plenty of things to see and do. You can head out to explore the markets or, if the hustle and bustle of the city is too much, catch the metro into the oldest part of the city, the Coptic Christian sector. The latter is a haven of peace and quiet, with narrow cobbled streets and beautiful old churches.
  2. Tag 2

    Cairo / Overnight Train

    Explore the amazing Pyramids of Giza which have stood tall for 4500 years, including the enigmatic Great Sphinx. Afterwards, head to the Egyptian Museum, home to one of the world's great collections of antiquities. Wander the treasure-filled halls of the museum and be sure to check out the Mummies Hall (optional) for a close encounter with some of the country’s most important queens and pharaohs. You'll have plenty of time to explore the sites today (approximately 3 hours for the pyramids and 3 hours for the museum). In the evening you will transfer to Giza Railway Station and board an overnight train to the southern city of Luxor (approximately 13 hours).
  3. Tag 3


    Upon arrival in Luxor we head over to the Karnak Temple Complex, the largest religious building in the world. Building began over 4000 years ago, and construction continued gradually until around BC 30. Enjoy a guided tour of this vast system of pylons, obelisks and chapels including the Avenue of Sphinxes and the Great Temple of Amun. History truly comes alive here, especially with a local guide who is passionate about the stories and legends that shaped it. After a few hours exploring this site, you’ll likely be ready for an afternoon of relaxation at the hotel.
  4. Tag 4


    Embrace another early morning, cross the Nile and drive to the secluded Valley of the Kings. Sixty-three pharaohs were buried here as part of their journey to the afterlife. In the company of a local guide you will spend a few hours exploring some of the exquisitely decorated tombs. It is here that the burial site of the boy-king, Tutankhamun, was re-discovered by British archaeologist Howard Carter in 1922. If you'd like to organise a visit to King Tut's tomb today, this can be arranged with advance notice – ask your leader for details at the beginning of your trip. After some lunch in Luxor we hit the road to Aswan (4 hours).
  5. Tag 5


    Today is free for you to explore Aswan, or the surrounding area, at your family’s preferred pace. You might want to visit the magnificent temples of Abu Simbel, located near the Sudan border. These two temples – one for Ramses II and another he dedicated to his wife Queen Nefertari – were cut into the cliff face in the 13th century and remain impressive in their scope and detail. If you would prefer to stay in Aswan and get a taste of contemporary Egypt there is plenty to do. The relaxed atmosphere makes Aswan a great city to wander and watch the boats cruise the Nile, plus there’s always the hotel pool nearby where you and the kids can cool off. This evening we head to the bazaar to wander around before a group dinner.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel (6 Nächte), Schlafwagenübernachtung (1 Nacht)
  • 7x Frühstück
  • 1x Mittagessen
  • 4x Abendessen
  • Kairo - Pyramiden von Gizeh und die Sphinx
  • Kairo - Ägyptisches Museum
  • Luxor - Tempel von Karnak
  • Luxor - Tal der Könige (Eingang zu 3 Gräbern)
  • Assuan - Philae-Tempel
  • Assuan - Besuch eines nubischen Dorfes und Abendessen
  • Assuan - Felucca Segel


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Cairo, Egypt
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