ab € 3.311,– p.P.
Termine AnzeigenReisebeschreibung 2024
Reise durch Südafrika, Botswana, Simbabwe, Sambia und Tansania in Richtung Sansibar auf dieser Überlandreise in Richtung Norden. In 29 Tagen erlebst du im Kharma Rhino Sanctuary seltene Spitz- und Breitmaulnashörner aus nächster Nähe, fährst mit einem traditionellen Mokoro durch die fruchtbaren Wasserwege des Okavango-Deltas, spürst im Matobo-Nationalpark mit erfahrenen Fährtenlesern Nashörner auf, bewunderst die Victoriafälle aus allen Blickwinkeln, erkundest die Hochlanddörfer, Klarwasserseen, Ruinen und weiten Ebenen Sambias und Malawis und landest schließlich an der idyllischen Küste Sansibars. Einheimische Reiseleiter und eine sachkundige Crew kümmern sich um alle deine Bedürfnisse, viel Zeit für eigene Aktivitäten macht dich neugierig auf mehr und eine entdeckungsfreudige Reisegruppe sorgt dafür, dass du die epischen Erinnerungen mit anderen teilst.
Reiseverlauf 2024
Alle Reisetage Einklappen-
Tag 1
<Sawubona – welcome to South Africa! Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 6 pm. If you arrive early, get out and explore Johannesburg; the country’s largest city. Perhaps visit the cultural hotspots of Newtown, Braamfontein or Maboneng. Otherwise, the sobering Apartheid Museum is well worth your time. After your important meeting this evening, why not head out for an optional group dinner and get to know your newfound travel crew – your local leader will point you in the right direction with bar and restaurant recommendations. -
Tag 2
Khama Rhino Sanctuary
<Leaving South Africa behind, cross the border into Botswana and travel towards the Khama Rhino Sanctuary (approximately 8–10 hours). Situated on the edge of the Kalahari Desert, the Khama Rhino Sanctuary has drastically changed from a former hunting area to a conservation project. Built to protect Botswana's only remaining populations of both black and white rhinos, the sanctuary is also home to other wildlife including zebras, giraffes, leopards, ostriches and wildebeest, all of which can be seen grazing the many waterholes. Visiting this project benefits local communities and directly contributes to protecting the endangered white rhinoceros. Later on, head out on a dusk game drive to see the rhinos when they are most active. -
Tag 3
<Jump aboard your vehicle and head to Maun (approximately 8–9 hours). Here there will be an opportunity to stock up on any supplies you might need for your adventure ahead. Maun is the gateway to one of the world's most complex ecosystems, the Okavango Delta. This place is unlike anything in the world – a 16,000 square kilometre maze of lush wetlands and waterways teeming with wildlife. You might see hippos, crocodiles, elephants and big cats, but it's the animals aren’t the only drawcard here – the waterscapes and shimmering horizons will have you gazing for days. -
Tag 4
Okavango Delta
<Get right in the action today, jumping aboard a traditional mokoro – a dugout canoe steered by friendly local 'polers' – for an Okavango waterways experience. With some luck, you could spot some of the delta's unusual wildlife and exotic birdlife. Spend some time today exploring the maze of lagoons, lakes and streams on foot too, led by experienced local guides. Tonight, you’ll camp on a remote island right in the heart of the wilderness, falling asleep to the humming and buzzing of the African heartlands. -
Tag 5
Okavango Delta
<Wake up early and head out on a sunrise walk. Along the way, keep watch for elephants, and if the timing is right, you might also come across some Cape buffalo! These noble-looking beasts are more dangerous than they look, and their horns double as a kind of bone shield that's fittingly known as a 'boss'. Returning to camp for breakfast, you’ve got the rest of the day to relax. A refreshing swim, or perhaps a nap, could be on the cards – both good ideas in the warmer part of the day. Alternatively, take another mokoro trip to soak up that serene river atmosphere. -
Tag 6
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Chobe National Park
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Victoria Falls
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Victoria Falls
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Victoria Falls
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South Luangwa National Park
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South Luangwa National Park
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Lake Malawi
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Lake Malawi
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Tag 24
Mikumi National Park
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Dar es Salaam
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Stone Town
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Zanzibar Northern Beaches
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Tag 28
Zanzibar Northern Beaches
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Tag 29
Stone Town
Reise teilen
Leistungen 2024
- Camping (mit Einrichtungen) (22 Nächte), Buschcamp (ohne Einrichtungen) (2 Nächte), Hotel (2 Nächte), Bunglow (2 Nächte)
- 28x Frühstück
- 16x Mittagessen
- 21x Abendessen
- Khama Rhino Sanctuary - Sunset Game Drive im offenen Fahrzeug
- Okavango Delta - Mokoro-Safari
- Okavango Delta - Sonnenaufgangswanderung
- Okavango Delta - Mokoro-Safari
- Okavango Delta - Brauerei-Tour
- Nata - Makgadikgadi Salzpfannen 4x4 Exkursion
- Chobe National Park - Flusskreuzfahrt
- Victoria Falls - Besuch des Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust
- Matobo Nationalpark - Nashornspurensuche, Parkbesuch & San-Felsmalereien
- Masvingo - Great Zimbabwe Ruins geführter Besuch
- South Luangwa - Projekt Schmuckwerkstatt
- South Luangwa National Park - 4x4 Nachmittags-Pirschfahrt
- South Luangwa National Park - 4x4 Dämmerungspirschfahrt
- Mikumi National Park - 4x4 Game Drive
Häufig gestellte Fragen
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