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Samoa Adventure

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
8 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 2.044,– p.P.

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  • Fa'a Samoa - Der samoanische Weg. Dieser Ausdruck bezieht sich auf die samoanische Kultur und Traditionen, die das Leben vieler Einheimischer beeinflussen. Erlebe dies auf den Dorftouren mit deinem einheimischen Reiseleiter, der dich in die Kultur und die Traditionen des jeweiligen Ortes einführt.
  • Nutze das unberührte Wasser und rutsche eine natürliche Felsrutsche in die Wasserlöcher bei Papase'ea hinunter. Besuche die atemberaubenden Sandstrände Vauvua und Lalomanu und schnorchle im Palolo Deep Marine Reserve, wo es von tropischen Fischen und Korallen wimmelt.
  • Staune über die uralten Star Mounds in Cape Falealupo, einen der heiligsten Orte Samoas, sowie über die Überreste des Grabes der Jungfrau Maria und der LMS-Kirche. Wandere über Lavafelsen, die von der zerstörerischen Eruption im Jahr 1905 zeugen.
  • Genieße eine Fiafia-Nacht - ein traditionelles Fest mit Tanz, Kostümen, Musik und Speisen, die in einem Umu-Ofen aus heißem Vulkangestein gekocht werden.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 2.044,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2025

Beim Schnorcheln an farbenfrohen Korallenriffen, in denen es vor Wildtieren nur so wimmelt, und beim Eintauchen in unberührte Wasserlöcher unter versteckten Wasserfällen - das ist eine Reise für deine Badehose! Neben all den wunderschönen Naturschönheiten, die die Inseln Samoas zu bieten haben, wirst du auch Zeit damit verbringen, etwas über die traditionelle Kultur und das Dorfleben der Einheimischen zu erfahren. Diese 8-tägige Samoa-Reise ist ein wahres Paradies mit geführten Tagesausflügen zu verschiedenen Teilen der beiden Inseln und Zeit für dich, um dich zu entspannen und zu erholen. Erkunde die belebten Märkte, um dich mit Souvenirs einzudecken, und erlebe eine traditionelle Fiafia-Nacht mit Feuertanz und Festmahl - als krönenden Abschluss.

Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Talofa! Welcome to Samoa. An arrival transfer is included from Apia’s Faleolo Airport, so keep an eye out for your driver who will present you with a flower ula to wear to get you in the mood for your island getaway. They will take you to your hotel where you can check-in before meeting your group and leader for a welcome meeting at 6pm over drinks and snacks. If you arrive earlier in the day you might like to visit Samoa Cultural Village for a taste of traditional life with workshops on weaving, woodworking, siapo cloth making, traditional tatau, dance, music and more. If you’re hungry, a stop at one of the local food markets is another great option or even do a little sightseeing at the breathtaking Mulivai Cathedral. After the welcome meeting, you might like to head out for dinner together – your leader will be able to show you some great local spots.
  2. Tag 2


    Today after breakfast you’ll head out for a full day of exploration, which includes some water activities, so make sure you pack swimwear. This morning you’ll visit Papase’ea sliding rocks, which are naturally formed rock slides into waterholes, which give even the best waterslide theme park a run for their money! On your way to lunch at a local café you’ll have a chance for a spot of shopping with a stop at Mailelani Factory, a sustainable body care company that uses cold-pressed coconut oil and other local ingredients in their products. After lunch, you’ll have some time to relax on the white sandy beaches of Palolo Deep Marine Reserve, with the option of snorkeling over the vibrant reef, abundant with colourful coral and wildlife. If you have time, you might like to end the day with a visit to Baha'i House of Worship, a beautiful temple set among 20 acres of prayer gardens that contain more than 60 species of native plants, flowers and trees. Or if you need a break from the sun, stop at the Robert Louis Stevenson Museum, an unusual yet famous Scottish author who made his home on the island. After heading back to the hotel, you might like to enjoy dinner at one of the many waterfront eateries in Apia.
  3. Tag 3


    Today you’ll have a more leisurely start and leave the hotel around 10am to make the one-hour drive to the ferry for a midday departure to the other island of Samoa, Savai'i. The trip takes about an hour and a quarter and you’ll have a light lunch on board. After disembarking you’ll head straight to the Savai'i Market where you’ll have the opportunity to buy some local snacks, before visit the Afua Auu Waterfalls – a beautiful swimming hole perfect for a dip - and the spectacular Blowholes. From here you’ll drive to your seaside villas, known as fales, on the western end of the island, where you’ll be staying for the next two nights. The villas all have spectacular views of the ocean and a two-course dinner is included each night and breakfasts in the mornings, so all you need to do is sit back and enjoy your stay.
  4. Tag 4


    Today you’ll visit the Falealupo Peninsula for a half-day guided tour, which includes a canopy tree walk across a jerry-built bridge almost 10 metres above the rainforest floor. After you cross, you’ll have the chance to climb a wooden ladder to a platform up a 230-year-old banyan tree. There are many other attractions in the area including the legendary Moso’s footprint, a depression in the ground that is said to have been made by the giant Moso when he stepped from Fiji to Samoa and the Pulemelei Mound, one of the many famous archaeological star mounds that look like flat-top pyramids and date back thousands of years. After the conclusion of the tour, you’ll head back to your villa for a free afternoon to soak up some sun on the beach.
  5. Tag 5

    Savai'i - Lalomanu

    After breakfast today you’ll wave goodbye to your villa and travel to the other coast of Savai'i via Manase. Beaches around the village of Manase are among the prettiest in Samoa and there’s usually hardly anyone around, so use your stop to scout the beach for sea turtles who may be feeding on the sea grass close to the coast. You’ll continue on your way to visit the Saleaula Lava Fields that were created by the eruption of Mt Matavanu back in 1905 to 1911. Five villages were buried and today you can see preserved ruins of the village, before you catch the 2pm ferry back to Upolu. On arrival back on Upolu you’ll transfer to Lalomanu, where you’ll spend the final two nights of your trip in beachside villas with ocean views and included dinners and breakfasts.
  6. Tag 6

    Poutasi Village - Lalomanu

  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel - Superior Garden & Ocean View Rooms (2 Nächte), Seaside Lodge - Tui Moana Ensuites (2 Nächte), Airconditioned Villas (3 Nächte)
  • 7x Frühstück
  • 4x Mittagessen
  • 5x Abendessen
  • Apia - Papase'ea Sliding Rocks
  • Apia - Robert Louis Stevenson Historical Home
  • Apia - Bahai Haus der Anbetung
  • Apia - Palolo Deep Marine Reserve
  • Apia - Mulivai Kathedrale
  • Apia - Maketi Fou Markt
  • Savai'i - Besuch des Salelologa-Marktes
  • Savai'i - Blowholes
  • Savai'i - Kap Falealupo Halbtagestour
  • Savai'i - Fafao o SaoAli'l (Passage des Jenseits)
  • Savai'i - Antiker Sternenhügel
  • Savai'i - Fußabdruck des Riesenmosos
  • Savai'i - Fia Fia Nacht
  • Savai'i - Saleaula-Lavafelder
  • Savai'i - Das Grab der Jungfrau
  • Vavau Village - Traditionelle Spiele und kulturelle Aktivitäten
  • Dorf Vavau - Ava (Begrüßungszeremonie)
  • Dorf Vavau - Brauchtumsfest
  • Upolu - Sopoaga Wasserfall
  • Upolu - To Sua Trench
  • Upolu - Ma Tree Wanderung
  • Lalomanu - Feuermesser & fa'ataupati Show


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Apia, Samoa
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