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Premium Tanzania

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
8 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 4.666,– p.P.

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  • Erkunde den Tarangire-Nationalpark, das Ngorongoro-Krater-Schutzgebiet und den Serengeti-Nationalpark auf aufregenden Pirschfahrten mit dem Geländewagen am Morgen und am Nachmittag und erlebe die besten Tierbeobachtungen. Halte Ausschau nach Zebras, Elefanten, Löwen, Geparden, Leoparden, Hyänen, Nilpferden und mehr!
  • Verbringe zwei fantastische Nächte in deinem Feature Stay im Herzen der Serengeti. In diesem großartigen, umweltfreundlichen Camp ohne Zäune kannst du dich mit deiner wilden Umgebung verbinden, ohne auf moderne Annehmlichkeiten verzichten zu müssen.
  • Erkunde den spektakulären Ngorongoro-Krater, der zum Weltnaturerbe gehört, in einem offenen 4x4-Fahrzeug. Lass dich von einer Vielzahl von Wildtieren überraschen und genieße ein Picknick im Busch auf dem Kraterboden.
  • Übernachte in einer Vielzahl von Unterkünften, um Tansania auf einzigartige Weise zu erleben. Von Zeltcamps im Herzen der Tarangire- und Serengeti-Nationalparks bis hin zu gemütlichen Hütten auf einer aktiven Farm - diese Öko-Lodges, Camps und feinen Hotels bieten dir gleichermaßen Zugang zu Natur, Wildtieren und Komfort.
  • Erhalte einen Einblick in das Leben der Einheimischen, wenn du einen Bauernmarkt besuchst und die Früchte der Saison probierst, und erfahre alles über die Kaffeeproduktion bei einer Tour durch das Karatu-Hochland.
  • Wenn du an dieser Reise teilnimmst, unterstützt du direkt unseren Partner, die Intrepid Foundation, das Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project. Mit den Spenden wird das Programm "Partner for Responsible Travel" unterstützt, das Reiseveranstalter auszeichnet und überwacht, die sich für eine ethische Behandlung der Bergarbeiter am Kilimandscharo einsetzen.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 4.666,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2025

Bereite dich darauf vor, auf einem achttägigen Premium-Abenteuer die Naturwunder Tansanias zu erkunden. Genieße einen Sitz in der ersten Reihe, wenn sich die spektakulären Landschaften und die Tierwelt des Tarangire-Nationalparks, des Ngorongoro-Kraters und des Serengeti-Nationalparks auf einer aufregenden Reihe von Pirschfahrten mit dem Geländewagen vor deinen Augen entfalten. Du übernachtest im Herzen dieser unglaublichen Reservate und kehrst nach Tagen der Erkundung der Ebenen mit einheimischen Führern, die in diesem Land aufgewachsen sind, in ein einladendes Camp zurück. Iss unter dem Sternenhimmel, trinke bei Sonnenuntergang einen Drink und schlafe zu den Klängen Ostafrikas ein.

Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Tanzania! Your adventure begins in Arusha, your gateway to the incredible national parks of Tanzania. On arrival to Kilimanjaro Airport you will be met and transferred to your hotel. There will be an important welcome meeting here at 6pm this evening, where you will meet your local leader and the rest of your small group. Nestled on the woodland slopes of Mount Meru in the heart of a traditional coffee farm, your hotel offers fantastic views of Lake Duluti. If you arrive with time to spare, you may like to visit the Natural History Museum or head to the Ngaramtoni Market for some exceptional handicraft shopping. After your meeting, join your leader and fellow travellers for a short walk to the shores of the lake, where you will find chairs and lamps set up for a private welcome dinner. Toast to the beginning of a new adventure and enjoy your stunning surroundings.
  2. Tag 2

    Tarangire National Park

    After breakfast, take a walk to the Tengeru farmers’ market for a look at local life. Watch traders and buyers haggle over the prices of a colourful array of fruits and vegetables – your leader will pick up some seasonal fruits for you to try yourself. Drive on to Tarangire National Park, dotted with soaring baobab trees and varied wildlife. The area experiences its own small-scale migration, as animals travel from Tarangire to Lake Manyara in search of water and grass. Your accommodation here is a permanent tented camp in the heart of the park with wonderful views of the Tarangire River. During the migration periods, you may be lucky enough to witness zebras, wildebeest and elephants passing by the veranda of your tent – a true African bush experience. In the afternoon, set out into the park for a four-wheel drive (4x4) game drive in search of wonderful wildlife. You will also have the option to arrange a night-time game drive – this is one of the few parks where this is possible and it must be booked at least 1 day in advance.
  3. Tag 3

    Ngorongoro Highlands

    Rise early for a thrilling 4x4 game drive. Tarangire National Park is populated with elephants, herds of cape buffalo, gazelles, Burchell’s zebras, giraffes and warthogs. Their predators also roam the park – look out for lions, cheetahs, leopards, hyenas, jackals and even African wild dogs. If you look to the skies you’ll see the park’s abundant array of birdlife. Return to your camp for breakfast, then continue your journey to the Ngorongoro Highlands. Arrive at your lodge, located in the verdant Marera Valley. Here you’ll enjoy cosy cottages with a veranda and fireplace, a beautiful swimming pool and organic gardens. This afternoon, you may like to relax poolside, or perhaps head out for an optional bike ride, village walk or coffee tour. Speak to your leader for tips on how to get the most out of this wonderful area.
  4. Tag 4

    Serengeti National Park

    Today you will make your way to the wide-open plains of the Serengeti. Travel through the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, skirting the mighty volcanic Ngorongoro Crater. Arrive at the 'Endless Plains' of the Serengeti; they span some 14,700 square kilometres, but their main claim to fame is 3 million or so animals. The game most likely to be seen in the Serengeti are the wildebeest, zebra, gazelle, lion, cheetah, warthog, hyena, hippo and ostrich. This afternoon, head out on a 4x4 game drive in the southern regions of the Serengeti for your first look at the park’s unbelievable wildlife. In the evening, retire to your feature stay accommodation – a permanent tented camp in the central Seronera part of the park. With no fences, this magnificent eco-friendly camp allows you to really connect with your wild surroundings without sacrificing modern comforts. Each tent boasts a four-poster bed and en suite bathroom, and the gorgeous lounge area and dining tent are the perfect spots to gather with your fellow travellers. If the weather allows, tonight you will enjoy a private bush dinner under the stars to a soundtrack of the wild Serengeti.
  5. Tag 5

    Serengeti National Park

    The interactions between the many species of the Serengeti plains often provide some of the best wildlife viewing opportunities in the world. You may like to spend the morning game viewing on a hot air balloon safari over the great plains. Hot-air ballooning in East Africa can be an unforgettable experience and we strongly recommend booking this extra activity prior to departure if you're interested. Enjoy a full day of 4x4 game drives in the magnificent Serengeti. Watch the landscape change within the park from the vast treeless central plains to thick scrub and forest in the north. Linking these areas is the savannah, punctuated by acacia trees and magnificent rock outcrops. Start at sunrise with a morning game drive, then return to the camp in the middle of the day to escape the midday sun. Take some time to relax and enjoy a meal, then when it’s cooled down and the animals are more active, set out again for an afternoon game drive. Pull up in the park and enjoy a refreshing 'sundowner'; an iconic part of traditional safari life. Dating back to the great safaris of the 1920’s, there’s no better way to finish up an exciting day of wildlife viewing than gathering for drinks and nibbles while watching the sun go down. Return to camp in the evening for dinner.
  6. Tag 6

    Ngorongoro Conservation Area

  7. Tag 7

    Ngorongoro Highlands

  8. Tag 8


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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel (4 Nächte), festes Zeltlager (3 Nächte)
  • 7x Frühstück
  • 6x Mittagessen
  • 7x Abendessen
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Arusha - Willkommensessen
  • Tarangire National Park - Nachmittags 4x4 Pirschfahrt
  • Tarangire-Nationalpark - morgendliche 4x4-Pirschfahrt
  • Mto Wa Mbu - Marktbesuch
  • Serengeti National Park - 4x4 Game Drive
  • Serengeti-Nationalpark - Sundowner im Park
  • Serengeti National Park - Nachmittags 4x4 Game Drive
  • Serengeti-Nationalpark - morgendliche 4x4-Pirschfahrt
  • Ngorongoro Krater - 4WD Game Drive
  • Karatu - Kaffee Tour


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Arusha, Tanzania, United Republic Of
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