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Premium Iceland in Winter

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
8 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 3.608,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Erlebe die Vielfalt der unglaublichen Naturphänomene Islands - uralte vulkanische Felsformationen, schwarze Kieselstrände, Gletscherseen und geothermische Lagunen.
  • Du reist mit einem erfahrenen einheimischen Führer, der dir die geografischen Gegebenheiten erklärt, Geschichten aus der isländischen Geschichte und Folklore erzählt und dir den nächtlichen Sternenhimmel mit der Wissenschaft hinter den Polarlichtern erklärt.
  • Übernachte für deinen Feature Stay im stilvollen Fosshotel, das unbezahlbare Ausblicke auf die umliegende Landschaft, modernen Komfort und ein ausgezeichnetes Restaurant bietet, das die frischesten isländischen Produkte verwendet.
  • Genieße zwei unglaubliche exklusive Erlebnisse: ein hausgemachtes Abendessen auf einem lokalen Bauernhof und ein
  • ein entspannendes Bad in den malerischen Thermalbecken von Krauma.
  • Diese Reise ist so konzipiert, dass du die beste Chance hast, die spektakulären tanzenden Lichter der Aurora Borealis am nördlichen Himmel zu sehen.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 3.608,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2024

Suche den Himmel nach tanzenden Lichtern bei Nacht und entdecke Naturwunder bei Tag auf diesem achttägigen Premium-Abenteuer. Du reist mit einem einheimischen Reiseleiter, der die Landschaft zum Leben erweckt, während du den mächtigen Wasserfall Gullfoss besichtigst, durch gehärtete Lavafelder im Skaftafell-Nationalpark fährst, die unheimlich ruhigen Gewässer der Gletscherlagune siehst und zwischen den imposanten Basaltstürmen von Reynisdrangar wanderst. Genieße die atemberaubenden Aussichten von deinem Feature Stay Hotel aus, genieße ein Abendessen mit frischen Produkten, nimm an exklusiven Erlebnissen teil und fahre von Hvolsvollur zur Halbinsel Snaefellsnes, um das spektakulärste Schauspiel der Natur zu erleben.

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Reykjavik, the world’s most northerly capital and the starting point of your Icelandic adventure. Enjoy a complimentary shared airport shuttle to your hotel and settle in before meeting your tour leader and fellow travellers for a 6pm welcome meeting. If you arrive early, this little city punches above its weight when it comes to things to see and do. Perhaps take a trip to the National Museum, where you can see its permanent exhibition depicting the history of Iceland, or hit the city’s brightly coloured streets to explore an exciting display of shops and cafes. If you’re interested in visiting the Blue Lagoon at the end of the trip and haven’t already booked yourself a slot, it’s best to mention this to your local leader at the welcome meeting so they can attempt to arrange tickets. After the welcome meeting, celebrate the start of a new adventure with an included dinner with your group, where your tour leader will introduce you to the best of Icelandic cuisine.
  2. Tag 2

    Reykjavik / Golden Circle / Fludir

    This morning head to the geologically and historically important Thingvellir National Park. To those not in the know, the national park may seem to simply be a stunning natural wonder, but your leader will be on hand to provide historical context and explain that this was the original site of Iceland’s old parliament from AD 930. Visit the spouting hot springs of Geysir and Strokkur before driving to the spectacular Gullfoss, Iceland’s largest waterfall. After your visit, head to your base for the evening in Fludir. This afternoon you may like to pay a visit to the Secret Lagoon, a natural geothermal pool warmed by the nearby hot springs – this is a classic Icelandic experience. This evening will be a good opportunity to turn your head to the skies in search of the Northern Lights.
  3. Tag 3

    Skaftafell National Park / Jokulsarlon

    Begin the day by travelling through the lava fields of the Laki volcanic eruption in 1783, as your leader explains how this devasting event shaped not only Iceland’s landscape, but also its culture. Next is Skaftafell National Park where you’ll come face-to-face with Vatnajokull, Europe's biggest glacier. Carry on to some of the country’s most impressive, uninterrupted scenery and wander past the enormous basalt sea stacks at Reynisdrangar. Later discover the Fosshotel Glacier Lagoon, your feature stay for this evening. This modern and contemporary hotel carefully considers its surroundings as spacious rooms with huge windows show off views of the mountains and sea, while stylish interiors reflect the colours of the world outside. This evening you’ll enjoy an included dinner at the excellent on-site restaurant serving up a creative list of dishes made with local Icelandic produce.
  4. Tag 4

    Jokulsarlon / South Coast / Reykjavik

    Start the day with a short drive on to Jokulsarlon, also known as the Glacier Lagoon. Take a walk around this astounding glacial lake and learn a little more about its history. Continue through the beautiful scenery of Iceland’s South Shore, marvel at the colours of the glaciers spilling down the mountains in the distance and admire the spectacular Skogafoss, a waterfall on the Skoga River. At 60 metres high and 25 metres wide, it's one of the largest and most impressive waterfalls in Iceland. The otherworldly topography you see today is bound to inspire questions, and your leader will be on hand to explain how these geographical wonders came to be. Continue to Seljalandsfoss waterfall, where you can walk right behind the stream of rushing water to see it from another angle. Next, return to Reykjavik and enjoy a free evening. Perhaps head to the Old Harbour to try the famous lobster soup, or if you’re feeling brave, the infamous fermented shark washed down with a shot of Brennivin (Icelandic Schnapps).
  5. Tag 5

    Borgarfjordur / Snaefellnes Peninsula

    After breakfast, see Reykjavik’s through the eyes of a local on a tour of the city with your leader. Learn the history of the Old Harbour and pass through the city centre. Reykjavik celebrates its uniqueness with stand-out pieces of architecture, which you’ll witness first-hand during visits to the Hallgrimskirkja church and the dome-shaped Pearl. Then head to the remote and geographically fascinating Snaefellsnes Peninsula, your home for the next two nights. On your way visit the Borgarfjordur area and be amazed by the stunning waterfalls of Hraunfossar and Barnafossar, then continue to Deildartunguhver, Europe’s most powerful hot spring. Reap the benefits of your surroundings during a relaxing dip in the Krauma thermal pools, where waters from the hot spring mix with glacial waters to create the perfect bathing temperature. This evening you’ll enjoy a comforting dinner at your accommodation before looking to the skies in search of dancing lights.
  6. Tag 6

    Snaefellsnes Peninsula

  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


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Leistungen 2024

  • Komfortables Hotel (6 Nächte), Feature Aufenthalt (1 Nacht)
  • 7x Frühstück
  • 4x Abendessen
  • Reykjavik - Willkommensessen
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Golden Circle - Thingvellir Nationalpark, Strokkur Geysir & Gullfoss Wasserfall
  • Aurora Spotting (wetterabhängig)
  • Skaftafell - National Park
  • Aurora Spotting (wetterabhängig)
  • Südküste - Laki Lava Felder
  • Südküste - Reynisdrangar & Solheimajokull-Gletscher
  • Südküste - Seljalandsfoss & Skogafoss Wasserfälle
  • Jokulsarlon - Gletscherlagune
  • Krauma - Besuch der geothermischen Bäder
  • Borgarfjordur - Hraunfossar & Barnafoss Wasserfälle
  • Borgarfjordur - Die städtische heiße Quelle
  • Aurora Spotting (wetterabhängig)
  • Reykjavik - Rundgang mit Führer
  • Aurora Spotting (wetterabhängig)
  • Snaefellsnes Halbinsel - Snaefellsjokull, Arnarstapi & Stykkisholmur
  • Halbinsel Snaefellsnes - Listons Steinbildhauerwerkstatt
  • Snaefellsnes Peninsula - Hausgemachtes Bauernhof-Dinner


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Reykjavik, Iceland
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