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North Spain Discovery

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
8 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 1.511,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Beginne in Barcelona mit seinem fabelhaften Essen, der atemberaubenden Küste und der pulsierenden Atmosphäre, die weltweit Anerkennung gefunden hat. Hier solltest du schon vorher mehr Zeit verbringen!
  • Die befestigte mittelalterliche Stadt Pamplona ist ein großartiger Ort, um ihn zu Fuß zu entdecken. Schlängle dich durch die verwinkelten Gassen der Stadt bis zur gotischen Kathedrale und laufe die Straße des berühmten Stiertreibens entlang.
  • Logrono ist voll von köstlichen lokalen Produkten und Weinen, die nur darauf warten, bei einer Tour durch die Pinxtos und Weinkeller genossen zu werden. Köstlich!
  • Mach eine lange Siesta an den goldenen Stränden von San Sebastian, einem der schönsten Küstenziele Spaniens. Wenn die Sonne untergeht, kannst du dich unter die Menschenmassen mischen und das aufregende Nachtleben der Stadt genießen.
  • Der Art Walk in Madrid ist der Traum eines jeden Kunstliebhabers. Auf einer kleinen Strecke kannst du das Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, das Reina Sofia und den Prado, eine der berühmtesten Galerien der Welt, besuchen.
  • Wenn du an dieser Reise teilnimmst, unterstützt du direkt unseren Partner Open Arms, die Intrepid Foundation. Mit deinen Spenden hilfst du Open Arms, die körperliche Unversehrtheit und die Rechte von Migranten zu schützen, die sich in unmittelbarer Gefahr befinden und aus ihrer Heimat über das Mittelmeer geflohen sind.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.511,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Hola! Welcome to Barcelona, where fabulous Catalan cuisine, a ground-breaking art scene, Gothic architecture, and a non-stop nightlife are just some of the many highlights. Your adventure begins with an important welcome meeting at 7 pm. After the meeting, head out for an optional group dinner for you to get to know your fellow travellers. As Barcelona is so big and you’ll be leaving on your adventure tomorrow, we recommend you arrive a day or two early to see the city for yourself. See great works of art in the Picasso Museum, head to the waterfront for a bowl of traditional paella, soak up the festive vibe of Las Ramblas, or catch the funicular to Montjuic for sweeping views of the city. While in Barcelona, be sure to find time to absorb the bizarre beauty of La Sagrada Familia – one of Gaudi’s most iconic creations.
  2. Tag 2


    Leave Barcelona behind and travel by train to Pamplona, the heartland of the Basque country (approximately 4.5 hours). Upon arrival into Pamplona head out on an orientation walk and get acquainted with this well-preserved fortified medieval town. Pamplona, named after its founder, Pompey the Great, has served for centuries as both a military stronghold and an important point on the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage trail. It’s also world famous as the home of the annual San Fermin, a weeklong festival that features the running of the bulls. Meander down winding alleys and step inside ornate buildings like Pamplona's Gothic cathedral – one of the most important religious structures in Spain. The city has also recently opened a museum of modern art designed by a prize-winning architect, inspired by the cultural renaissance achieved by Bilbao and its Guggenheim. Your evening is then free to do as you wish – the quality of pintxos (Basque tapas) is incredible, so be sure to tuck into some tasty morsels.
  3. Tag 3

    San Sebastian

    Today, take a bus to the stunning seaside city of San Sebastian – a jewel of the Basque country and a place obsessed with food (approximately 1 hour). With its family friendly beaches and vibrant old city, San Sebastian is a fantastic place to stroll along the promenade, shop, or just to soak up the sun. When you arrive, get an overview of the most central beach, La Concha, with an included cable car journey to Monte Igueldo. Then, why not wander around the Parte Vieja (Old Town), a mix of alleyways wedged between the bay and the Urumea River? Otherwise, head to Playa de Gros and watch the surfers riding the waves of Biscay Bay. This evening make sure you hit the neighbourhood's streets and dig into the region's specialties.
  4. Tag 4

    San Sebastian

    You’ll have a full day to explore San Sebastian, giving you plenty of time to catch the 1-hour local bus to Bilbao, if you’d like. If you do decide to venture to Bilbao, the world-famous and architecturally sublime Guggenheim Museum is a must visit. If you have enough time in the afternoon, the San Telmo Museum displays history, art and photography of the Basque country. In the evening, it might be a good idea to enjoy another night of delicious food. San Sebastian is home to some of the world’s best restaurants, most experimental chefs and a distinct food culture, so be sure to get your fix tonight.
  5. Tag 5


    Take the short journey by public bus to the prized vineyards of the Rioja wine region and Logrono (approximately 2 hours). The town sits on the banks of the Ebro River and is the capital of Spain’s most renowned wine region. The city is rich in history and traditions, preserved since the Middle Ages. It also boasts one of the most distinguished culinary traditions in the county, home to some of the best tapas bars in the whole of Spain, all crammed into its small medieval centre. After checking in to your accommodation for tonight, the rest of the day is free to explore. Stroll the streets of this favourite stop for pilgrims en route to Santiago de Compostela, a handsome city of medieval fortifications, where much work is being done to restore it to its full glory. This evening, head out on an included 'txikiteo' of pintxos: a Basque-style tapas crawl that will fill your senses (and stomach) with the unique tastes of the region. Don’t forget to wash them down with a signature fizzy white wine, known as a txakoli. The tapas bars right around the medieval Old Town compete to get your business which means incredibly high standards, so be ready to eat well.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel (7 Nächte)
  • 4x Frühstück
  • Pamplona - Geführte Wanderung
  • San Sebastian - Standseilbahn Monte Igueldo (Igeldo Funikularra)
  • Logrono - Txikiteo der Pintxos (Tapas Crawl)
  • Logrono - Kellereibesichtigung & Weinverkostung


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Barcelona, Spain
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