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Egypt Experience

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
12 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 2.112,– p.P.

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  • Erkunde die prächtigen Tempel von Abu Simbel und sieh dir die vier gigantischen Statuen von Ramses an, die den Großen Tempel bewachen, der direkt in den Berg am Westufer des Nils gehauen wurde.
  • Begegne den Einheimischen und lerne einige der vielen Ladenbesitzer kennen, während du durch die berühmten Basare von Assuan, Luxor und Khan al-Khalili in Ägyptens Hauptstadt Kairo schlenderst.
  • Setze die Segel auf dem Nil - einem der berühmtesten Flüsse der Welt. Entspanne dich, während Szenen aus dem ägyptischen Alltag an dir vorbeiziehen und erlebe von deinem Sonnendeck aus, wie der Tag zur Nacht wird.
  • Begleite eine einheimische Familie in einem kleinen Dorf in der Nähe von Assuan und erlebe eine unvergessliche Nacht mit nubischer Gastfreundschaft. Erfahre mehr über diese uralte Kultur, während du ein besonderes Abendessen mit deinen Gastgebern teilst.
  • Erkunde die Wunder, die Mythologie und die Geheimnisse des alten Ägyptens, darunter die Pyramiden von Gizeh und die Gräber der berühmten Pharaonen im Tal der Könige, mit fachkundigen Führern, die dir einen Einblick vor Ort geben.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 2.112,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2024

Pharaonen, Feluken, Tempel und Gräber. Pyramiden, Basare, Mumien und Katakomben. Ägypten bietet unzählige Möglichkeiten zum Staunen und Entdecken, und auf einer 12-tägigen kulturellen Expedition zu seinen Highlights wirst du verstehen, wie die Zeit stehen geblieben ist und warum du auf Schritt und Tritt eine Geschichtsstunde brauchst. Verliere dich in den Farben und dem Chaos des Kairoer Khan al-Khalili Basars, stehe zu Füßen der monumentalen Tempel von Abu Simbel, fahre den Nil hinunter und fühle dich im Tal der Könige großartig. Während du dich um all deinen Komfort kümmerst und deine Fragen von ortskundigen Reiseleitern beantwortet bekommst, wird dir Ägypten alle historischen, symbolischen und pharaonischen Güter servieren.

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Salaam Aleikum! Welcome to Egypt. You'll be met on arrival at Cairo International Airport and transferred to your hotel, and your Egyptian adventure begins with an important welcome meeting at 6 pm this evening. Cairo is one of the great cities of antiquity and its history can be symbolised by two imposing landmarks – the Pyramids of Giza and the Mosque of Mohammed Ali. If you have some time spare, perhaps get out and explore the busy streets of this city of contrasts. You could also travel along the river by felucca – a traditional wooden sailboat – or head out to explore the Khan al-Khalili markets.
  2. Tag 2


    This morning after breakfast you’ll see some of the world’s most iconic sights – the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. Explore these structures that have stood tall for over 4500 years, and for an additional charge, you may be able to go inside the Great Pyramid of Khufu, although occasionally it’s closed to visitors. Afterwards, your adventure continues to the Egyptian Museum, home to one of the world's great collections of ancient artefacts. Wander the treasure-filled halls, and make sure to check out the optional Mummies Hall for a close encounter with some of the country’s most important queens and pharaohs. The masses of gleaming artefacts recovered from the tomb of Tutankhamun are an impressive sight – from jewellery to the famous golden death mask and his gilded sarcophagi, this pharaoh was certainly prepared for the afterlife.
  3. Tag 3


    Jump in a private van today and drive to the Mediterranean coastal city of Alexandria (approximately 3 hours). Egypt's second-largest city and main port, locals call this vibrant city the Bride of the Mediterranean Sea. The Greek architect Dinocrates built Alexandria in 331 BC under the orders of Alexander the Great. The city, immortalising Alexander's name, quickly flourished into a prominent cultural, intellectual, political and economic metropolis. On arrival, head underground and delve into the mysteries of the Kom ash-Shuqqafa catacombs. This Roman burial site is the largest of its kind in Egypt. The crypts are 20 metres below street level, and what probably began as a small family tomb grew into a labyrinth of chambers that could accommodate more than 300 bodies. Afterwards, stop by the strikingly modern Bibliotheca Alexandrina, inspired by the original great library of Alexandria and built to hold over eight million books. Take some time to stroll along the Corniche and around Fort Qaitbey to enjoy the fresh Mediterranean air.
  4. Tag 4

    Alexandria - Cairo - Overnight Train

    This morning, pay a visit to Al Montazah Palace and Gardens. Montazah Gardens is home to two palaces, one built in 1892 and another in 1932 by King Fuad I, and acres of manicured gardens. They are located along the shoreline and flow from splendidly landscaped gardens into great beaches. Soak up the surroundings before returning by private van to Cairo (approximately 3 hours). Take some time to relax or get some snacks before you board an overnight sleeper train to Aswan (approximately 13 hours). Overnight train journeys are a fast way to cross long distances, allowing you to avoid traffic jams and arrive right into the city centre. You will share two-berth cabins which are comfortable and air-conditioned. All bedding is provided on board by the porter. Western-style toilets are located in each carriage, but we recommend bringing additional toilet paper. Keep in mind general train cleanliness may not be to the same standards you are accustomed to. An included dinner and breakfast are served on board. You may want to purchase something extra beforehand to supplement your meal, particularly if you're a vegetarian as only a single type of meal is served for dinner, which always includes meat. In rare circumstances you may be paired in your cabin with a group member of the opposite sex, depending on the group configuration. On other occasions, you might be sharing with another traveller of the same gender who may not be part of our group, again determined by the group configuration.
  5. Tag 5


    The Nile, Elephantine Island and white-sailed feluccas. Welcome to Aswan – Egypt's southernmost city. Its easy-going charm is due in no small part to its large Nubian population. The city is Egypt's southern gateway to Africa and an important market town, so take time here to check out one of the country's best bazaars. When you arrive, you’ll explore the beautiful Temple of Isis (the Goddess of health, marriage and wisdom), which was rescued from the rising waters of the Nile and relocated on Philae Island. It's a marvel of decorative pylons featuring some of Egypt's finest carvings – definitely one of the real gems of Upper Egypt. In any free time, you might choose to visit the excellent Nubian Museum, which showcases the history, art and culture of the Nubians. This evening you’ll experience modern Nubian culture firsthand with a visit to a nearby village. Join a local Nubian family for a memorable dinner and get an insight into the daily life of the local people.
  6. Tag 6

    Abu Simbel - Nile River Cruise

  7. Tag 7

    Nile River Cruise

  8. Tag 8

    Nile Cruise

  9. Tag 9


  10. Tag 10


  11. Tag 11


  12. Tag 12


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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel (7 Nächte), Kreuzfahrtschiff (3 Nächte), Schlafwagenübernachtung (1 Nacht)
  • 11x Frühstück
  • 3x Mittagessen
  • 5x Abendessen
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Kairo - Pyramiden von Gizeh und die Sphinx
  • Kairo - Ägyptisches Museum
  • Alexandria - Katakomben von Kom el Shoqafa
  • Alexandria - Bibliotheca Alexandrina
  • Alexandria - Fort Qaitbey
  • Alexandria - Wadi El Natron Klöster
  • Assuan - Besuch eines nubischen Dorfes und Abendessen
  • Assuan - Philae-Tempel
  • Abu Simbel - Abu Simbel-Tempel
  • Assuan - Felucca Segel
  • Izbat Al Bayyarah - Kom Ombo-Tempel
  • Luxor - Karnak-Tempel (Eintrittspreis)
  • Luxor - Kolosse von Memnon
  • Luxor - Tal der Könige (Eingang zu 3 Gräbern)
  • Luxor - Grabmal des Tutanchamun
  • Luxor - Hatschepsut-Tempel
  • Kairo - Besuch des Khan al-Khalili Basars


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Cairo, Egypt
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