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Highlights of Tasmania

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
min. 1 / max. 18
6 Tage
von 15 bis 99


  • Erhalte einen Einblick in die einzigartige Flora, Fauna und Landschaft Tasmaniens auf dieser bahnbrechenden Reise, die dich in Teile der Insel führt, die eher abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade liegen.
  • Entdecke die atemberaubende Bay of Fires - ein unglaublicher Küstenabschnitt, der für die feurig orangefarbenen Flechten berühmt ist, die sich an den mit Felsen übersäten Stränden festsetzen.
  • Beobachte in einer der abgelegenen Buchten des Freycinet-Nationalparks, wie das glasklare Wasser den puderweißen Sand umspült - vielleicht kletterst du sogar auf den Gipfel des Mt Amos, um einen Panoramablick auf diese ikonische Landschaft zu genießen.
  • Wandere auf den zahlreichen Wanderwegen im Cradle Mountain National Park, der zum Weltnaturerbe gehört, und halte Ausschau nach pelzigen Tieren, wie Wombats und Wallabys.
  • Erkunde die ungestörte Wildnis von Tarkine auf einer geführten Wanderung durch den unberührten Regenwald - mit einzigartigen Lebewesen und Lebensräumen, die es sonst nirgendwo auf der Erde gibt.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1

    Hobart / Central Plateau / Strahan

    Welcome to Tasmania! You’ll be picked up at 8.00 am this morning, marking the start of your adventure. Traverse the island from east to west, leaving Hobart behind and venturing through the Derwent Valley, and then up onto the Central Plateau. Your first stop is Mount Field National Park – home to an abundance of wildlife, diverse fauna and stunning lush vistas. Walk in the land of the giants, the world’s tallest flowering trees, as you explore beautiful surrounds on a guided walk through tremendous fern forests to Russell Falls. Continue to Lake St Clair, Australia’s deepest freshwater lake before entering the temperate time capsule that is the Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park. Along the way, stretch your legs on some great short walks including Donaghy’s Lookout and Franklin River. Pass through Queenstown with its intriguing eroded landscape of treeless hills then finish the day in Strahan at the very edge of the west coast.
  2. Tag 2

    Tarkine Region / Strahan

    Enjoy a full day of exploration in Tasmania’s West Coast, beginning with a visit to the shifting sands of Henty Dunes. Reaching heights of up to 30 metres, these vast dunes are a desert amid Tasmania’s dense rainforests. Continue to Ocean Beach and inhale some of the freshest air in the world before venturing into the Tarkine region. Nestled in the largest tract of temperate rainforest in Australia, the Tarkine is alive with unique creatures and habitats not found anywhere else on earth, and home to vast forests of myrtle, leatherwood and pine trees – living links to Gondwanaland that it shared with Patagonia and New Zealand millennia ago. Take a guided walk among its pristine rainforest and discover Tasmania's highest waterfall encased in a lush fern forest and rocky cliffs. Afterwards, return to Strahan for the night.
  3. Tag 3

    Cradle Mountain National Park / Sheffield / Launceston

    Depart from Strahan this morning and head to the magnificent wilderness of Cradle Mountain National Park. The mountain, at 1545m high, is one of the park’s iconic features and is surrounded by stands of native deciduous beech, rainforest, alpine heath lands and button grass. Icy streams cascade down the mountainsides and ancient pines are reflected in the still glacial lakes. Explore the park along a number of different guided or self-guided walking tracks. If you prefer to travel at a leisurely pace, consider taking a walk to Waldheim Chalet or wandering along the Dove Lake circuit. For those with a little more grit, or people who simply love views of gorgeous lakes with rugged mountain backdrops, the hike to Marion’s Lookout is perfect. Your leader is at hand to explain options. Later today, travel to Launceston via Sheffield, the town of murals.
  4. Tag 4

    Bay of Fires / Bicheno

    Departing Launceston head for the peaceful north east corner of Tasmania. The Bay of Fires is remarkable for its beauty, wildlife and cultural history with long stretches of dazzling white beaches, shimmering turquoise waters, coastal heath and woodlands that abound with wildlife, and of course the orange coloured granite rocks. Explore the beach of Cosy Corner, and discover some Aboriginal middens. Continue late in the day to Bicheno where tonight you can take a guided tour for a closer look at the life of the Little Penguins as they return nightly to their rookeries to feed their young.
  5. Tag 5

    Freycinet National Park / Bicheno

    This morning, drive south to the beautiful Freycinet National Park, home to a wild domain of sublime beaches, whose powder-white sands are lapped by translucent waters. For those seeking a challenge, try the climb to the summit of Mt Amos or join your leader for the walk to Wineglass Bay, voted one of the world’s top 10 beaches. There are other free walking choices available, including the path up to Cape Tourville Lighthouse, where you can enjoy panoramic vistas across the coast. Afterwards, head back to Bicheno for the night and perhaps indulge in a delicious seafood dinner in this fishing town, from crayfish to abalone.
  6. Tag 6

    Richmond / Hobart

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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel & Motel (5 Nächte)
  • Lake St. Clair - Besuch am See
  • Mt Field National Park - Wanderung zu den Tall Trees & Russell Falls
  • Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park - Nelson Falls Walk
  • Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park - Franklin River Nature Trail
  • Strahan - Henty Dunes & Ocean Beach
  • Tarkine - Regenwald-Wanderung zu den Montezuma Falls
  • Cradle Mountain National Park - Cradle Mountain Spaziergänge & Wanderungen
  • Sheffield - Zwischenstopp in der Stadt
  • Bay of Fires - Naturwanderung
  • Freycinet National Park - Wanderung zur Wineglass Bay
  • Hobart - Mount Wellington Wanderung
  • Richmond - Zwischenstopp in der Stadt
  • Bicheno - Tasmanian Devil Wildlife Sanctuary


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