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Morocco Family Holiday

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 2 / max. 16
8 Tage
von 5 bis 99

ab € 557,– p.P.

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  • Marokko ist ein wahres Fest für die Sinne. Schlürfe süßen Minztee in ländlichen Dörfern, beobachte Ziegen, die in der Wüste auf Bäume klettern, und wippe mit dem Fuß zu traditionellen Amazigh-Musikern in Marrakesch.
  • Erkunde das Atlasgebirge und übernachte bei einer einheimischen Familie, um einen Einblick in das traditionelle marokkanische Leben zu bekommen.
  • Mit französischen, portugiesischen und jüdischen Einflüssen ist Essaouira so exotisch wie nur möglich. Schlemme fangfrische Meeresfrüchte, erkunde einzigartige Kunstgalerien und lass dich von einem blau gesprenkelten Stadtbild blenden.
  • Erlebe die herrlichen Wellen des Atlantiks vom Rücken eines Kamels aus.
  • Wenn du an dieser Reise teilnimmst, unterstützt du direkt unseren Partner der Intrepid Foundation, Education for All. Mit deinen Spenden hilfst du den Mädchen im Hohen Atlasgebirge, eine weiterführende Schule zu besuchen und eine neue Generation von Frauen aus dem Kreislauf von Analphabetismus, Armut und früher Heirat herauszuholen.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 557,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Salaam Aleikum! Welcome to Morocco. Marrakech is a feast for the senses, a world of spice markets, Berber music, carpets, delectable foods, acrobats and perfumed gardens. You can arrive at any time today as there are no activities planned until your group meeting at 5pm. If you have an arrival transfer booked, please look for a representative with an Intrepid Travel sign when you arrive at the airport. Your hotel is located just outside the city walls around the old Medina. It is about a 30-minute walk to the main square, Djemaa el Fna (or a short calesh/taxi ride). It's also near a lot of local shops and restaurants. Settle in and relax.
  2. Tag 2


    Today's adventure begins with a drive over the impressive High Atlas Mountains to the village of Imlil (approx 2 hours), the largest village in the Mizane Valley. You will store your main luggage here, before continuing on foot (1 hour) to the traditional mountain village of Aroumd with your daypack. If you don't feel comfortable with the walk, your leader can arrange a mule for you to ride instead. Perched on a rocky outcrop, the remote village of Aroumd offers stunning views across the High Atlas Mountains and a unique opportunity to experience traditional Berber culture. We spent 1 night in a family-run mountain home (gite) in Aroumd. Surrounded by the smell of woodstoves and bread, meet the host family and enjoy Berber hospitality and food. NOTE: The walk from Imlil to Aroumd and further to the Sidi Chamharouch shrine requires appropriate footwear. You may choose to bring sturdy boots if you prefer so, but pair of good walking shoes with rigid and grippy sole will be sufficient.
  3. Tag 3

    Zaouit Ifergane

    This morning we will have a bread cooking demonstration for breakfast and perhaps an early morning walk around the village of Imlil. We will then transfer to Zaouite Ifergan passing through some Berber villages and a stop in one of the oldest mosque in the high altas where we learn about the Saadian dynasty in which era this monument was built. We continue our drive across the high Altas mountains via the Tizi n Tast which will give you a great view of the largest plain of Sous. We arrive at our accommodation for the evening in the late afternoon in time for a swim in the pool and relax.
  4. Tag 4

    Zaouit Ifergane

    Enjoy a day of free time. You might like to take a walk with your family through the oasis and explore the local villages. The oasis is full of palm trees and streams of water, giving it an exotic atmosphere. Perhaps have a go at riding a donkey around the fields.
  5. Tag 5


    After breakfast it's time for a short trip to Taroudant city (approximately 30 minutes). This pretty, conservative town (often called 'Little Marrakech') has a tannery which you will visit and spend some time at. Moroccan leather goods are very popular, and here you can learn how the animal skins are cured to produce the leather. It's an interesting snapshot of old-fashioned local craft, and a chance to souvenir a slice of hand-made Morocco. Then we travel up the coast to Sidi Kaouki (approximately 4 hours). Mount a camel and take in the view as the waves crash along the shore line, taking in the awesome scenery as you plod along. This may well be one of the highlights of your trip. Enjoy a picnic lunch on the beach, then board the bus again and head to Essaouira (approximately 30 minutes). This delightful artists' town is a former Portuguese trading colony and was once home to sizeable British and Jewish populations. The town faces a group of rocky islands called the Mogador and is surrounded by an expanse of sandy beaches and dunes. It's still a busy fishing port, and its pretty harbour is filled with tiny colourful fishing boats which go out early every morning.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


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Leistungen 2024

  • Hotel (6 Nächte), Gite (1 Nacht)
  • 7x Frühstück
  • 3x Mittagessen
  • 2x Abendessen
  • Bewaffnet - Brotbackvorführung
  • Tinmel - Tinmel Moschee
  • Taroudant - Lokales Mittagessen
  • Taroudant - Esel reiten
  • Sidi Kaouki - Kamelritt
  • Marrakech - Medina Rundgang


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Marrakech, Morocco
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