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Wild Sarawak

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
10 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 1.496,– p.P.

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  • Borneo ist einer der letzten wirklich wilden Orte auf der Erde und bietet seltene Leckerbissen für Naturliebhaber - beobachte Orang-Utans in einer Auffangstation und skurrile Nasenaffen im Bako-Nationalpark.
  • Entdecke die farbenfrohe Geschichte einer Vielzahl verschiedener ethnischer Gruppen.
  • Erkunde labyrinthische Höhlen und beobachte, wie Millionen von Fledermäusen bei Sonnenuntergang aus ihren Tiefen auftauchen und den Himmel wie eine schwarze Rauchwolke verdunkeln, im Mulu-Nationalpark.
  • Folge den berüchtigten Fußstapfen der Stammeskrieger auf einer Wanderung durch den wilden, dichten Dschungel auf dem Headhunters' Trail, der reich an wilden Tieren wie Nashornvögeln und Affen ist.
  • Erhole dich nach einer tagelangen Wanderung durch den Dschungel bei einem Aufenthalt auf der ruhigen Insel Labuan. Entspanne dich bei einem wohlverdienten Bier oder Cocktail in deiner Unterkunft im Strandresort.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.496,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2024

Wild, tropisch und abgelegen - betrachte Borneo als Südostasiens Antwort auf den Amazonas. Diese 10-tägige Tour ist voller aktiver Abenteuer in einem Naturparadies. Beobachte in einem Schutzgebiet in Semenggoh Orang-Utans, die sich durch die Baumkronen des Regenwaldes schwingen, und wage dich in die riesigen Mulu-Höhlensysteme. Folge dem Headhunters' Trail durch den dichten Dschungel in Sarawak, schlendere die Uferpromenade von Kuching entlang und entspanne dich an den goldenen Sandstränden der Insel Labuan.

Reiseverlauf 2024

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  1. Tag 1


    Selamat datang! Welcome to Malaysia. Kuching, meaning 'cat' in Malay, is arguably the most pleasant city in Malaysian Borneo. It was home to the infamous White Raja of Sarawak, whose mysterious rule in this remote corner of the world sparked the imagination of many people who dreamt of becoming royalty. Your adventure begins with a welcome meeting at 6 pm, which you can find details about at the hotel’s reception. In any free time before the meeting, check out this cosmopolitan city rich in architecture, where the waterfront houses a wealth of curious shops and local vegetable, spice and fish markets. This city of skyscrapers sitting near lush green jungle is easily walked around, so maybe relish the mellow vibe and head out with your new travel companions to try some local dishes like Sarawak Laksa and Kolok mee.
  2. Tag 2

    Bako National Park - Kuching

    Hop in a private van to the fishing village of Kampung Bako (approximately 1 hour), then a local boat up the coast to Bako National Park (approximately 20 minutes). Bako is the oldest national park in Sarawak and features rainforest, abundant wildlife, jungle streams, waterfalls, interesting plant life, secluded beaches and trekking trails. Millions of years of erosion formed a coastline of steep cliffs, rocky headlands and stretches of white, sandy bays. Waves have carved the cliffs into fantastically shaped sea arches and sea-stacks, with coloured patterns formed by iron deposits. Weather permitting, you’ll take a leader-led walk to the beautiful beach at Teluk Pandan Kecil (5 kilometres, approximately 3 hours ). The trail climbs through the forest before emerging onto an open plateau covered in scrub, from where curious pitcher plants can sometimes be seen. It can be a hot, but always rewarding hike. For those looking for a longer (or shorter) hike, you are free to explore as many of the 18 different trails as you like. Whatever your plan, check with the ranger for the best time to spy the quirky proboscis monkeys up in the trees. Return to Kuching in the late afternoon and spend the evening in a hotel.
  3. Tag 3


    Head to the Semenggoh Orangutan Sanctuary – a government-funded rehabilitation centre set in lush surrounds. The centre was set up to help reintroduce these wonderful creatures back into the wild after a life of domestication or having been orphaned. Head into the jungle via a walkway, where from a viewing platform you can watch and photograph the orangutans as they swing into view and eat the supplementary diet of bananas and milk that is laid out for them twice a day. Take some time to savour the special moments in these animals’ company. Human contact must be kept to a minimum and it's essential that you follow your leader's instructions. Afterwards, return to Kuching and the hotel, where you can freshen up from the heat. This evening perhaps mosey down to the riverbank and watch tambang ferries glide by, or head out to one of the many Chinese-influenced hawker markets for dinner and experience the range of local seafood.
  4. Tag 4

    Mulu National Park

    Fly to Mulu, sending your large bag on to Limbang and packing a day bag with the essentials for the next four days. When you arrive in Mulu, head into the heart of one of the most spectacular national parks in Asia – Gunung Mulu National Park. Transfer the short distance to Mulu HQ (2 kilometres) where you’ll stay for the next 2 nights. Your leader will go through some of the options for your free time here. You can take to the some of the self-guided trails around the park, or to the treetops on the world’s longest tree based canopy walkway. Or maybe simply kick back with a book and enjoy the sounds of the nearby jungle. Later there is the chance of an optional night walk to search for some weird and wonderful insects and reptiles. Tonight you’ll stay in the park headquarters, which has its own restaurant and Information Centre. Accommodation is multishare rooms with private bathroom.
  5. Tag 5

    Mulu National Park

    Today you have a free morning to explore or have a sleep in. Spend the afternoon strolling the walkways of this 180-million-year-old rainforest, and then catch the sunset flight of the bats at Deer Cave. The World Heritage-listed park has absolutely spectacular limestone geology, with enormous caves, vast cave networks, rock pinnacles, cliffs and gorges. In fact, its system of caves is the largest known in the world, formed when surface water worked its way through the rock, carving gigantic passages through the bedrock. Deer Cave has one of the single largest cave passages in the world, 2.2 kilometres long and 220 metres tall at its highest point. Before it was part of the park the cave was a well-known hunting ground for deer, who were attracted to the pools of salty water running off the heaps of guano. The guano comes from the millions of bats who call the cave home, and at dusk there’s a mass exodus as they emerge for their nightly feeding, like a seemingly endless black plume of smoke twisting across the sky. In nearby Lang cave you can appreciate the work that the water does on the limestone, sculpting waves on the ceiling, drawing stalagmites, columns and stalactites.
  6. Tag 6

    Mulu National Park

  7. Tag 7

    Headhunters Trail - Guesthouse

  8. Tag 8

    Labuan Island

  9. Tag 9

    Kota Kinabalu

  10. Tag 10

    Kota Kinabalu

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Leistungen 2024

  • Hütte (Mehrbettzimmer) (2 Nächte), Schlafsaal (1 Nacht), Hotel (5 Nächte), Resort (1 Nacht)
  • 9x Frühstück
  • 2x Mittagessen
  • 1x Abendessen
  • Bako National Park - Wildlife Trail Trek
  • Kuching - Semenggoh Orang-Utan-Schutzgebiet
  • Mulu-Nationalpark - Hirsche und Lang-Höhlen
  • Mulu-Nationalpark - Wind- und Klarwasserhöhlen
  • Mulu National Park - Picknick Mittagessen
  • Mulu-Nationalpark - Einheimisches Abendessen
  • Mulu-Nationalpark - Geführte Wanderung auf den Kopfjägerpfaden
  • Mulu-Nationalpark - Langbootfahrt auf den Flüssen Melinau und Terikan
  • Insel Labuan - Cocktail bei Sonnenuntergang


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Preise gelten ab/bis Kuching, Malaysia
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