ab € 527,– p.P.
Termine AnzeigenReisebeschreibung 2024
Tauche auf dieser neuntägigen Kambodscha-Reise in alte Stätten und atemberaubende Schönheit ein. Du beginnst in Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt in Vietnam und schlängelst dich dann durch Städte und über Land nach Kambodscha, wo du etwas über die ernüchternde Geschichte des Landes erfährst, die entspannte Kultur der Khmer-Gemeinschaften entdeckst, bei Einheimischen wohnst und die köstlichen Speisen deiner Gastgeber (und auf den vielen Märkten) probierst. Nimm an einer Flussfahrt bei Sonnenuntergang teil und besuche das UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe - den Angkor-Komplex - mit seinen uralten Tempeln, dschungelbewachsenen Ruinen und faszinierenden Wahrzeichen.
Reiseverlauf 2024
Alle Reisetage Einklappen-
Tag 1
Ho Chi Minh City
<Xin chao! Welcome to Vietnam. Your adventure begins with an important welcome meeting at 6 pm. If you arrive early, good for you! Get out and discover the city's blend of old and new, East and West. Be sure to sample a baguette or some of the excellent coffee on offer – both markers of the city's strong French influence. Equally essential are visits to Reunification Palace (the site of South Vietnam's surrender in April 1975) and the War Remnants Museum. As there isn’t much time to explore Ho Chi Minh City on this tour, we highly recommend you spend a day or two extra beforehand to get a taste of this busy city. After your important meeting, why not get a taxi and head to the night markets at Ben Thanh – teeming with good food and local items to purchase, it’s a perfect start to your South East Asian adventure. -
Tag 2
Phnom Penh
<Travel by public bus through rural Vietnam and Cambodia to Phnom Penh (approximately 10 hours including two border crossings and lunch). Cambodia's capital city is set on a major junction of the Mekong and Tonle Sap rivers and boasts some fine examples of French-inspired architecture. You may want to take a cyclo tour of the city's sights, including the central market, US Embassy, Wat Phnom, Mekong river front, independence monument and Royal Palace. If you're in the mood for shopping, stop in at the art deco Psar Thmei (Central Market) or travel out to Psar Tuol Tom Pong (the Russian Market) for the best range of local souvenirs. -
Tag 3
Phnom Penh
<Take a day to explore the swirl and bustle of Phnom Penh. Included today is a visit to the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (S21) and the Killing Fields of Choeung Ek. These serve as sobering reminders of the violent rule of the Khmer Rouge. Here you can learn more about this confronting but important chapter in history – if you'd rather not visit these sites, simply let your leader know. Otherwise, the rest of the day is free for you to explore. You could visit Wat Phnom, a Buddhist temple shrouded in myth, or the National Museum and its excellent Khmer collection. Perhaps indulge in a traditional massage at Seeing Hands – a great social enterprise supporting visually impaired masseurs. A traditional Cambodian massage may be a little different than you are used to – it’s generally an oil-free, fully-clothed affair. In the evening, perhaps head up to the Foreign Correspondent’s Club bar with your group for a drink overlooking the Tonle Sap River. -
Tag 4
<Travel by private vehicle (approximately 3.5 hours) into rural Cambodia to the region of Kampong Speu and the village of Chambok. There's a lot of natural beauty to discover here, and the Chambok community is renowned for its ecotourism. A member of the Chambok community will take you on a village walk and be happy to chat about their community’s history, lifestyle and local ecotourism projects. Meet the families your group will spend the night with and settle into your homestay accommodation. In the afternoon, take a walk around the village and head to a nearby waterfall. If it's warm enough, you may even opt for a swim! In the evening, head to the community centre to enjoy a traditional Khmer dinner prepared by women from the community. You'll also be treated to a traditional dance performance – tonight is an experience that won’t be forgotten any time soon. -
Tag 5
Kampong Chhnang
<Say goodbye to your homestay hosts and head in a private vehicle to Kampong Chhnang (approximately 4–5 hours). Kampong Chhnang is a central province of Cambodia and borders South East Asia’s largest freshwater lake, Tonle Sap. After you’ve arrived, head to a pottery workshop demonstration where you’ll see how the locals use this craft, plus try it out, if you want! Otherwise, you could book on a boat trip on Tonle Sap lake, passing by the floating villages and fishing boats. This evening, there is also an optional (but highly recommended) experience to have dinner in a local home – you’ll never get over that traditional Cambodian hospitality. -
Tag 6
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Tag 7
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Tag 8
Siem Reap
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Tag 9
Siem Reap
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Tag 10
Siem Reap
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Tag 11
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Tag 12
Reise teilen
Leistungen 2024
- Gästehaus (4 Nächte), Gastfamilie (1 Nacht), Hotel (3 Nächte)
- 1x Frühstück
- 1x Abendessen
- Phnom Penh - Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (S21)
- Phnom Penh - Die Tötungsfelder von Choeung Ek
- Kampot - Sonnenuntergangs-Kreuzfahrt (zum Mitmachen)
- Kampot - Heritage Walking Tour
- Chambok - Traditioneller Tanz
- Chambok - Wasserfall-Wanderung
- Chambok - Gastfamilie und Aktivitäten
- Chambok - Khmer Abendessen
- Siem Reap - Ein Tag Angkor Pass
- Siem Reap - Angkor-Tempel Geführte Tour
Häufig gestellte Fragen
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